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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. You obviously pay attention to detail and i admire that!! I don't know your affiliation with the clique we have here on RLC but I do notice a lot of what you post as someone who at least pays very good attention to what goes on with RLC, at least the GOV's anyway.
  2. it's probably a book on how to cheat on your (supposed) bf and not get caught which is well within the boundaries of her sorry, cheating ass!!
  3. Noldus, don't you think it's time to tell the forum just how much involvement Nelly and Bogdan have in the management of RLC? Don't you think it's time you said anything other than.....Irma & Elettra home @ 08:07 or Irma bating or Blair left B2 @ 12:51. Don't you think it's time you said something different!!!!!
  4. have you ever seen a one legged man in an ass whoopin contest? that's what it would be like when I got through with all your sheep 😬
  5. No I didn't see it, I just think you are wrong and confused about good acting!
  6. we have a saying in Texas which is the greatest country in the world: Get off your high horse before I knock you down a notch or two!
  7. yeah I remember, I haven't lost all of my memory yet and apparently you don't know what passionate sex looks like!
  8. I've been around a lot longer than you have Edward and I know the difference between a performance and passionate sex and what you see in RLC is mainly a performance!
  9. who are you trying to kid here? The sex you see on RLC for the most part (especially in the GOV apts) is passionless sex....it's to earn 💲💲💲
  10. 1) I agree with this point and it will always be that way 2) The reason for that is the parents. Parenting is much different today than it was when I grew up. A large majority of parents today both work to make ends meet. What people want...the lifestyle they want today is much different than it was back in my youth growing up. People are spoiled rotten when it comes to wan'ts over needs. In the 1950's people didn't have access to all the gizmo's and gadgets and fine automoblle's that they have today. 3) Why do you suppose that is? Could it be there is an adult book store damn near in every square mile of where people live these days? Could it be that sex in cinema is everywhere you look and good wholesome shows have practically vanished from the television networks? Could it be from the age of computers where everybody went out and bought one to surf the net and finding porn due to a misspelled word or a letter left off? There is so many reasons for women being more sexually liberated these days. 4) I know this will probably piss some of the forum women off but a woman will never be equal to a man. There are somethings that a woman just can't do. As for them making the first step to flirt with a man, if you haven't had this happen to you then you might need to change your looks. I never had a problem growing up where women didn't come and flirt with me first. I consider myself to be a handsome man and that might have something to do with it. 5) The diseases we have today didn't exist in the 1950's because the promiscuity level we have today didn't exist. Sexually active single people should all make sure they are protected and I agree with a woman having condoms on her for that reason. I don't agree with a woman that is on birth control not using a condom for reasons mentioned.
  11. To this day, I still don't know what this century has to do with anything when it comes to sex...people have been having sex forever. There have been whore houses, brothels, houses of ill repute, whatever you want to call them, forever. Swinging goes back to the caveman days, I guess I just don't get it!
  12. Well...when does the next fuck show crank up in B4 and who's going to be in it?
  13. Like someone said Dino...these girls are sluts and I feel the same way. It's their life and if that's the way they want to live it then more power to them!
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