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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. does anybody ever wonder where Nelly goes without Bogdan all the time??
  2. LOL so now that they finally got another girl the 3rd room miraculously becomes fixed!! I told you all there was nothing wrong with that room, they have just had it UM because they knew it was going to be awhile before they filled it.
  3. do you honestly believe that she will abstain from sex the whole time she is there? i am really curious to know your honest opinion. I mean, i've heard she vanishes for hours on end each day to come home and throw down a bate that she has been doing ever since she started being public with them. where does she go, to a coffee shop, book store, toy store, sight seeing, scuba diving, parasailing, does she not talk and flirt with other men because she has Paul waiting in the wings? All these questions with very few answers so in all...everything with RLC for the most part is an assumption. RLC themselves make sure of that by not casting any English speaking tenants when in fact the majority of the tenants speak English pretty well. does RLC tell the tenants not to speak English unless absolutely necessary? your guess is as good as mine I'm afraid.
  4. All it is Ze, is that RLC doesn't want to show the viewers how they show the girls how to lay on the beds if they don't want to show anything, or how to lay on the beds if they do want to show the viewers something. Plus they think people are waiting around with bated breath to see who the new arrival is......it's all a mystery with RLC. SMOKE & MIRRORS my friend!!
  5. don't worry, when she feels the need to get that itch scratched, it get's scratched!
  6. this...i can agree with you on!! for you or anyone else to think that Leora isn't being serviced while she is in Prague, is just downright sad! girls want and need sex just as much as guys do and nobody can tell me that she ain't getting hers from someone while she's there!!
  7. that's just it Ze, it's just a bad mix of girls this time around and nothing else.
  8. LOL the big bedroom for the girl with the biggest tits.....makes sense to me!
  9. because the last time I checked, this was an open forum for discussion and comments unless i'm just totally wrong about that.
  10. LOL unfortunately there will always be racism no matter what you try to do to solve the issue! In today's society we are still getting it thrown in our faces that somewhere way back in time, one of our ancestors owned slaves, not any of us but our fathers, fathers fathers and yet we are the one's to still suffer for the hate of it!! Black people still say it like it's our fault and I'm sorry, i'm sick and tired of hearing it!!
  11. then why on earth would you say "He certainly will have offended some people with black face costume"?? were you just using your brown stick again!
  12. LOL how many times have you seen M&S&D's place go UM for there to be no changes when it came back online or see an apartment/house go UM for the girls to be picked up so that nobody could see by whom. The UM's are a total joke with RLC and quite frankly, I think they do it just to piss some people off!
  13. I give up Alladino, you win!! RLC, please promptly remove all the girls from B4 and replace them with all guys so that Alladino will get his daily dosage of cock and balls!!
  14. you are most probably correct SC but when they first started they were small and manageable and it was of much less importance. as their span of control grew beyond what they were capable of managing, this is where it really started to show up in my opinion.
  15. that should probably be the best one of all time, but unfortunately the room in B2 with no cameras after weeks and weeks takes the cake!!
  16. Nelly must have tripped and fell on a corn cob that is now lodged up her ass and it is taking a team of medical professionals to surgically remove it. Please standby!!!
  17. not to me and it shouldn't to her or you. this is where all you politically correct lefties have a problem in my opinion. "don't say he's short"...say he's vertically challenged. it's all a bunch of poppycock!! anyone that puts themselves in a mixed relationship should automatically know that there is going to be some repercussions from it. some people are not going to mind it, but a lot of people are going to have a problem with it. if anyone has a problem because this guy dressed up the way he did, then those people are the one's that have the problem!!!
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