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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. i don't doubt that one bit Mauri, i'm sure there is always someone waiting for these kind of girls!!
  2. i'm sure Nora told them they had to step up their game, difficult times call for drastic changes!!
  3. haven't you been watching? i find it funny that people watching RLC can't keep up with what they are watching lol
  4. yes....i know she does and i'm sure she see's a lot of them and especially on Wednesday nights when they have their business dinners and no telling what else......hell, some girls don't even bother to come home for 48 hours afterwards LMAO. then all these people get so worried about their absence when the girls are just somewhere giving it up to random guys.....toooo funny!!
  5. Yes you can speculate, that's the only thing that makes this forum worth reading!!
  6. i'm sure Nora is good friends with most to the girls and it shows with how some of them get away with murder. what's your point? it's really inconceivable that she would show up to smooth things over between the girls due to the 48 hour hiatus of Sara & Stella? and you say you don't speculate, sorry but i'm going to have to use the BS card on that one. you speculate just like everyone else, the difference is that some post about it and you don't!
  7. LOL it wasn't her boyfriend, it was a fuck buddy set up by RLC. when will you people learn. it's just like when Stella shacked up with the guy in B3, it was a setup to make them look like a couple, nothing real at all.
  8. i'm sure Nora was there to smooth things over between Jess and the other two and to let Jess know that the girls would be having guys over. RLC is a JOKE!
  9. because they are hooked, like it is crack cocaine to them. they can't give it up because they have no life other than RLC!!
  10. she said....follow me outside and i'll show you my naughty, downright dirty, nasty side!!
  11. Nora is the reason the Barcelona apartments have turned out to be such a failure!!
  12. nothing i say makes any sense to you H1. you are non-speculative and a huge supporter of RLC and their stable of girls.
  13. as it stands right now, this is another usable apartment for the other Barcelona apartments to take refuge in and not be affected by any cameras being online. RLC....you're a total JOKE!
  14. LOL my source told me that if it was possible it would be stuck up Megan's ass. he/she says it totally ruins the view!!
  15. LOL i can find out if i thought it was that important, which i don't but thanks anyway!
  16. you are 100% correct and it will continue to be this way until the subs get tired of it and do something about it, just like you mentioned. the bad part, and i know i'm going to sound like a broken record once again, but i firmly believe that RLC is a storefront for the rich and famous that visit Barcelona.
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