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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Actually Sierra, none of these girls are really here for the subscribers enjoyment. it's just that some of them fake it much better than others and you are right.....Fiby is definitely not here for the subscribers enjoyment!!
  2. i couldn't have said it better. when you see a new name popup during the UM time you get excited to see this new person but when you see a repeat there is no excitement (at least for me anyway) what so ever. oh well, some people are just old and set in their ways and those are the ones that want to see the repeats coming back over and over again because they think they will see something different when in actuality the majority of the time that doesn't happen! Damira is obviously liked by a lot of you because she is open and free and willing to express herself and obviously does from what i've been reading, and that's what has made her stay enjoyable. However, you repeat with her and it will be the exact same as it has been on her first stay and there will be nothing to get excited about. you will get to see the exact same ugly tattoos and probably more by the time she gets back and the exact same stripper pumps she wore during her many overly exaggerated and predictable shows. there was only 1 event that happened during her whole stay that wasn't predictable and that is when the girls brought back their one night stands. the rest of her stay was the same old things time and time again! even when Numi brought her brother over to B4, you already new what was going to happen. so in case i haven't made my opinion clear by now.....NO MORE REPEATS!!!
  3. I hope not for RLC's sake and for the sake of those of you that primarily only want to see repeats. it is possible for new tenants to join RLC and prove themselves worthy......hell, look at Damira, the girl that everybody thinks she needs to come back often or have her own apartment. i hope you get your Russian's and i hope they do and act the same way as they always did and there is nothing new or exciting from them.......just look at Leora, she is like an album that constantly skips. she hasn't done one thing since she has been back that she hasn't done at least a thousand times already. the apartment with Masha & Dick and Jane offers nothing to get excited over whether or not Eva showed up or not it's the same old stuff with them and it always will be!! keep bringing in the repeats you so desire and RLC........and you can mock my words, WILL eventually fold and it will be sooner than later!!
  4. good group and good song..........i could care less about the rest of the stuff!
  5. personally i could care less about Damira or Mila for that matter. Damira is just a 22 year old _ _ _ _ puppy and Mila is a gold digger just like all the rest of these girls. i would flush them all and start over with normal girls if i was running RLC and the first thing i would do is remove Nora from the payroll!!!!!
  6. how about never!! i wish all these repeats would cease to exist!!
  7. if Megan is leaving soon, she will be getting the master bedroom just like last time and if Megan is not leaving.....that's a damn shame!!!
  8. Fiby moved to B2 for one reason and one reason only and that was to get close to the....well, lets just say that she is very active elsewhere!!
  9. don't waste your time, i heard that it sucked and that the only people that liked it are the usual ones that like anything and everything these girls do.
  10. because that is what all the people wanted!! get rid of all these ______ and get some real fucking girls in the Barcelona establishments....these stupid shows are going to be the straw that brakes RLC's back!!
  11. i could care less anymore Thes. after being called a shit stirrer and childish, I've had just about enough of this 3 ring circus!! B4 is full of worthless ______ and _____ and so far from voyeurism anymore it's just down right stupid. Damira being the biggest ______ ______ of them all. i'm tired of tip toeing around a bunch of people that if they don't have it their way on this forum the go running off crying foul to the mods and or Admin. what was once a great forum is now like the lows of all the Barcelona _____!!!
  12. LOL let me bow to you! I'm an adult all the way and yes i could be considered a shit stirrer from time to time, but the problem with this forum is that it's way to liberal and liberals are a bunch of cry babies. in a forum such as this people should not have to be nice and positive all the time and when there are those of us that don't abide by that liberal way of thinking, we are accused on not being an adult and a shit stirrer and personally i find that quite sad. if the only reason the Admin keeps myself, Amy3 and a few others around is because we generate traffic with our arguments, then what does that say about this forum? for an adult forum this is the most childish forum i've ever seen bar none!! at any rate, i just got home from lake Travis and i need to get clothes in the wash and put stuff away so i'm cutting this short. i hope Dorian skates on by and everybody is safe and doesn't have to go through what i did with Harvey!!
  13. LOL you do realize that CC is like a broken record with everyone don't you? you are no different and are one of those like H1 who likes to constantly stir the pot with y'alls brown sticks!! i asked you the other day to please quit responding to my posts if you don't like them and yet you continue so you must like them more than you think you do!
  14. LMAO...you just can't get rid of these _______!! haven't you all seen enough of these same girls over and over again!
  15. brought what back? i'm just now getting here so i'm a little behind lol
  16. all i gotta say about that is.......if you say something he agrees with, then he's a good guy. if not, then not!!
  17. LMAO....what the heck for? for Eva? you must be really desperate!
  18. but only if you brought along that babe magnet.......the dog lol
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