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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. LOL tough decisions Don't! Please just don't be like the guys named Fagen or Happyone and I could name several others but whats the point, (Edited)!! Everything RLC does is good with them and that doesn't make it any good for people like you! I didn't realize until tonight how much Noldy has fallen off the bandwagon. He used to comment on everything the girls did, especially when they left the house/apartments. Now all he comments on is when they arrive at another apartment. I like the shit out of Noldy but he has let me down way too much here lately. Diane, according to him was supposed to leave when her fuck buddy left, at least that was what Noldy posted and now I read where she is still there or should I say that she is there every now and then. What happened to that little tidbit Noldy? At any rate Don't, I hope you enjoyed whatever it was you decided to get for dinner! By the way, you have a married girlfriend that tell's you, you have the best tongue in Texas. You both must live in the panhandle is all I have to say :).......send her down South in my direction and lets make her the judge!! Have a good night neighbor!
  2. Calm down, I'm sure they are making it out to be way more than it was. This forum tends to do that on a very frequent basis. You will learn when you have wasted enough of your hard earned money on them!
  3. I also think I made the right choice and no matter what I read on this forum it will never change my mind. I am free from the hold they had on me and I won't go back. RLC doesn't care about their viewers and they know that there is a "new" viewer born every day!!
  4. You should already know this Ze. I never had one true favorite, but I had always liked Rita and Kristy. I liked Rita for the total class she showed and maintained and her tiny waist, and I liked Kristy for the fun side she showed from day one and her ass that used to be made of steel......I don't know how her ass is today but when she first showed up, she had "buns of steel".
  5. I haven't watched RLC in a long long time so I have to take your word for it. Not following them daily leaves me with nothing more to say.
  6. It's only real when away from the cameras. When in front of the cameras it's all fake and only for a show.
  7. She has a special money making tool that only those who pay to see it in person get the pleasure of seeing it. RLC has asked her to keep it hidden because it is made of gold and it will affect the cameras immensely!! She's just doing what she has been told in the interest of the cameras!!!
  8. "LOL sausage making? Sounds like a greasy way to make a living" LOL Myself and a bunch of other family and friends make deer sausage and blackbuck antelope sausage every year after deer season. This year we made a total of 1,260 lbs, 1,100 lbs of smoked link and 160 lbs of pan sausage. It's a good time with a lot of work but it's all worth it in the end.
  9. LOL I feel sorry for you that pay!! Off to bed now, have a long day of sausage making ahead of me tomorrow. Take it easy and I hope they fulfill all your fantasies when they get home!
  10. It is truly pathetic how these girls treat the very people that provide them with a place to stay! I don't know if they are home yet or not, but it doesn't make any difference, they don't care about any of you and are totally worthless being on RLC in the first place. RLC will never do anything about their prized girls though!!
  11. Who has the best Buffalo chicken sandwich in Texas?? The Corona's go without saying especially if they are dressed with some fresh lime!
  12. Well said Amy! In my opinion it is nothing more than a glorified cam site!
  13. I don't get off on talking about what I can't see! I have friends on this forum and I am medically disabled so when I have time I like to see whats going on with RLC because I hope that one day they get their shit together. However, I have been hoping that would happen for a very long time and it appears to me that it's the same way it always was. You have to understand that different people want different things out of a website like RLC and my thing was always showing whats going on if something is happening. You said in some previous post that the girls showed you the back of their heads and their backs and that happened all the time when I was a member. If a couple of girls are going to have sex then let the people that pay for their lavish vacations (what a joke that is) she the real thing. They might as well just hide under the covers every time, there is no difference as far as I'm concerned. The T Candles and doing things under low light conditions is just as bad as using covers and it should be made clear by RLC that unless you are in bed to sleep, the lights should be all the way on or not at all. The night vision used to be pretty good for the most part, but there were several cameras that looked like hell in night vision. The have good cameras for the most part when the lighting is all the way on but they suck in low light conditions. I just try to keep it real and tell it how I feel. I've never been a strong positive voice for the girls because of how I feel it should be with RLC and the piss poor way they run their business. I'm about 50/50 positive to negative I would say. Now that I've been gone for so long, I really don't care how the girls act or what RLC does. It's a total waste of money in my opinion but hopefully one day they will realize they need to change and make those changes. Adding more cameras isn't the answer, getting girls to work with the camera angles instead of against them is the answer.......that and much better servers!!
  14. Yes, I have not subscribed for the past 25 months. I was a member of RLC when it first started and donated way too much money to them for several years, around 5 years worth. When I seen that they were going to keep bringing girls back to the project over and over again, and with all the lengthy UM times and not doing anything to make the viewers experience more enjoyable (to me anyway), I had had enough. I sent them a very nasty email telling them exactly what I thought with some very choice words and they banned me. I tried a little later on to resubscribe but didn't have any luck so that's how it has come to 25 months. I used to have a very close friend that I had told about RLC and I was sending him video captures and screenshots of stuff that I thought was worth sharing, so when I stopped subscribing he did the same thing for a little while until he decided he had had enough for himself. I don't see things but I know how RLC and the Barcelona girls work. I only watched the Barcelona apartments because of the girls as i never did care about seeing a nut sack swinging in my face. I would watch some of the girls in the couples apartments if their other half wasn't around but mainly just the Barcelona apartments until a guy showed up and then I would not watch it. I don't care and never will care to see a guy and a girl having sex, just not in to that. Anyway, I hope this answers your questions.
  15. Trust me Don't, I totally understand. I'm going on 25 months of sobriety from RLC.
  16. oh....so the truth comes out. They didn't leave the main light on which would have been great, but they left another light on which distorts the view. Thank you Naga for being honest mate!
  17. I spoke to soon, apparently they didn't leave the lights on for y'all..........I should have known!
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