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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Let me guess, they are doing stuff to each other that you can't see because there is the other girls head or body in the way. That is status quo for these girls and I'm surprised they left the light on for you!!
  2. She gets way to much praise from the CC members. She's doing the exact thing this time as she did last time. Towards the last few weeks of her stay she will spend more and more time outside like she's been doing. She is a pretty girl but she is a player!!
  3. What's up Barry? Let me see if I can explain what happened on my attempt to exit CC after getting tired of the same old same old in the forum. I knew that my hunting season was going to be extremely busy and with the forum being so repetitive, I decided that it was probably a good time to leave and have my account deleted. I sent StnCld316 a PM and asked him to delete my account but he pulled a fast one on me and said that the Admin would have to do it because he (the Admin) didn't want any of the mods deleting long time members of the forum. When he replied with that curve ball, it made me stop and think just how long I had been a member and not wanting to talk to the Admin I just decided to quit posting and keep my account active. I do post here and there again but nothing like before. The sad thing that I regret the most was emptying out my PM folders. I lost a lot of good information there but it is what it is. I plan on keeping my PM box very empty and I don't expect to get many PM's anyway. Other than that, how you been?
  4. LMAO.......NOW THAT'S FUNNY!! How do I put this so that you will understand. If you see any of these girls going down on each other and lets say you had seen it 100 times. Out of that 100 times, you might have been lucky to actually see a tongue on a pussy 5 times and out of that 5 times it would have only been for a second or two. If you want to see tongue on the pussy go to Nina&Kira's or Masha's place. Looking for good pussy eating does not exist in the Barcelona apartments.......sorry to bust your bubble but it just doesn't. Someone was talking about relocating to another room because the room they were in had poor lighting. That just tells me that the main bedroom lights were not on and that is normal for all these girls. They know that if they have low lighting that the view is piss poor and they do that on purpose.......SCAMMERS, that's all they are! Just like they put 6 or 7 girls on one bed, or 6 or 7 girls in one tub......it's ridiculous and piss poor for the viewer. These girls help setup every camera view you see in any of the apartments/house.....they know the lighting or lack there of affects the cameras, as well as how exactly to lay/sit in front of a camera if they don't want to show anything.
  5. I get it Ze, it's just the same old girls and page after page of approval, that's what I don't get. It's not like they are all new and there is really something worth wild to talk about. They are all old to RLC and the only difference is that they are now working for RLC. Sure, you will or should get to see more of them but it's just nothing new as usual with RLC.......they keeping bringing in the old wood!!
  6. I find it funny how much talk there is about this apartment now. All the girls are not new at all, just in a different role. At any rate, life has been given back to this apartment!
  7. It is a SCAM ever since the Barcelona apartments/house came on line. The girl/girl action that they have shown in the past is nothing more than bait for new subscriptions. 99% of the time when they do their little girl/girl baits, they absolutely show nothing more than the backs of their heads or their bodies getting in the way of anything worth seeing. It's a total SCAM and definitely not worth the price they charge to see it!!! That's just my opinion and it's worth what you payed for it!!
  8. I just got home from an association meeting/dinner for game management, and the whole time I was there listening to this one speaker, I couldn't do anything but shake my head thinking about what he had to say which fit RLC to a tee. He was talking about how easy it was to get people to do what you want in this world, how to get people to fit the bill for things needed in a business. RLC is one of the smartest businesses on the internet when you think about it. They bring in their stable of working girls and promise them a roof over their head as long as when they are called for they do the job at hand. They pay them a measly salary and let the girls do their own gigs as long as when they are called upon, the girls do what needs to be done. Where they are so damn smart is they actually get the subscriber to pay for their room and board. One of their jobs is to show enough nudity while they are home in the apartments/house that it keeps the subscriber interested and yet brings in new subscribers.......genius I say!! Anybody that has watched RLC for any length of time understands exactly what I am saying. For these girls, being in the RLC apartments/house is the absolute last thing they are thinking about. They are thinking about their own gigs and the RLC gigs outside the apartments/house and then the last thing they are thinking about is throwing the subscriber a bone every once in awhile and that is if and only if they are not to exhausted from the "REAL" work that takes place outside the apartments/house!!! RLC management, I so very much hate you and the way you treat your subscribers but I have to take my hat off to you on being very slick and ingenious as what you do is so cleverly suited to the business at hand!
  9. I never said it was her date. I have never read where any Uber or Taxi driver has ever come into the house. On the humorous side of it, it's y'alls money not mine!!
  10. OK but it makes no sense at all why they allowed him in the house no matter what anybody says.
  11. That makes no sense at all. Why in the hell would they let a taxi driver in the house and then in their room....makes no sense at all. There is a lot more to the story, trust me!
  12. You haven't been around long enough to see what kind of guys these girls bring home. They bring home the one's with money and don't give a damn what they look like!
  13. Come on Texas boy.....don't let me down by being so naïve! From one Texan to another, you know better!!!
  14. LOL you would have to be a fool to believe that ANY of these girls are gay.....Bi at best. What do you think these girls do when they stay out all night, dance??? Yeah, they dance until weee hours of the morning and come home.....you people have blinders on when it comes to these girls!!
  15. LMAO too funny DGN. I won't ask what she came up with but if it works, that's great!!
  16. Thank you Sergio. So she just expanded their minds on what to do with a cock. There is not a girl in any of the Barcelona apartments that doesn't know what to do with a cock but I'm sure they can all learn a thing or two from each other. Thanks again Sergio!
  17. Sergio, can you elaborate on this post for us non-viewing members! What do you mean by she looks like a dick teacher? All the Barcelona girls are pros and is it something she said or did that makes you say what you said??
  18. I could care less about a dangling set of balls to look at and I'm right there with you on any girl on girl action but RLC is not the place to see it.....especially in the Barcelona apartments!!
  19. If you've got enough money to waste, you will learn to take 95% of what you read on CC as BS. There is a lot of people on CC that will make anything sound good. In the last two years I was fortunate enough that I had a really close friend that sent me several pics and videos of all these girls interactions when it came to girl on girl stuff and 99% of the time you couldn't see shit but hair in the way or a girls back with her head down somewhere between another girls legs. All these girls are into hetero sex and search out the guys with deep pockets in Barcelona and it's all setup by an old tenant that started B1. They play to the cameras in a way that you don't see shit because it's not real. Mila is a gold digger just like all the rest of them. She knows how to get top cam, and that is when she is home. A lot of people are saying that what she is doing now is nothing like what she did her last stay, but from what I've read, it's exactly like her last stay but people on this forum always make it sound better than it ever was. Yes, you should have done a lot more homework before you jumped in to a losing proposition with RLC!! P.S. I'll match gun for gun with you anytime 🙂
  20. LOL sure sounds like it to me Sergio!! Anybody with a brain knows that all the BS teasing, the constant get togethers of different apartments, the poor camera angles, and the lack of cameras, the hidden rooms and blindspots, the constant UM sessions, will never go away. Reading CC has become a broken record, both with the RLC participants and the CC members, but hey......it's still comical !!!
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