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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. LOL they left to keep it off camera. RLC should send them all home!
  2. Fagen, have you ever had a job before and if you did, did you do what the boss told you to do? Get real man!
  3. RLC should have a mission statement which reads: Tune in everyday for the same exact shit over and over again!! The cast may change but the dumb shit they do won't!
  4. I haven't read anything more about Kim & Kenny's friends moving into B3. Does anyone know anything about this??
  5. It's got to be kind of refreshing to see two girls that act somewhat normal I would think. Maybe it's just me...
  6. So the three mentioned above arrived home just after the short UM. They were all home before the long UM but left with someone during that UM. I'm sure whoever it is that doesn't want to be seen in the house had some cocktails with the girls before they were carted off to do whatever. I'm also sure that the short UM was for them to drop something off and not just the girls that gave it a few minutes before coming in the house so it would look normal. Classic RLC hiding things from the viewer!!
  7. I have seen some pics of her and I must agree with you on her having the best puffy nipples ever seen on RLC. Believe it or not, Nora could even get a puffy every now and then.
  8. you all have a good evening. I'm going to take some pain meds and take a nap.
  9. Oh I get it but I think you would have better luck if you went to pornhub.com and said I wish to see fisting
  10. Mikelima you are persistent with your desire to see these girls fisting but you already know that it only happens outside the apartments 🙂
  11. You could PM me and explain it. Without knowing what you know of course people are going to question you and come down on you. It's neither here nor there, I can see it both ways!
  12. Excuse me sir, I've never wanted it or anything to do with RLC to be a show. You keep mentioning an event next month but you won't say what it is. You, like others, constantly keep people in the dark so how are others supposed to know what is going on and maybe ease up on the girls when they are constantly kept in the dark? I will have to disagree with you on the (who deserve respect) comment. The only way to get respect is to earn respect!! Do you think that if you let your lover, girlfriend, or wife run over you, that she respects you? Of course you don't. Nobody deserves your respect until they have earned your respect and that's the ugly truth of it.
  13. I think you are looking at it from a totally different point of view. When there is nothing, and from what I've been reading, there is nothing to be excited about. If the girls acted like they were involved in the project and not wasting away on their bums all the time, the haters wouldn't be hating. There is and I repeat, nothing to be excited about with this apartment anymore. The girls are as far detached from what RLC should and could be that it's not even funny anymore. Hell, RLC is so far detached from what it was and could be for that matter. My point is don't be hating on the haters that are only hating because there is nothing in KK&K to be excited about anymore!
  14. RIIIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTT a long UM because of a mouse. You keep telling yourselves that and they will keep fucking you over!!
  15. Why yes I did but much better looking as far as I'm concerned. I haven't had a chance to find my cable yet as my left foot is really hurting today and my son hasn't made it by to help me yet. I will post a picture of her when I find my cable. When she doesn't smile, she looks exactly like her but the problem is, this girl always smiles. I'll let you and others be the judge.
  16. So I'm caught up after being at the retirement party for my friend and I must tell you all that I spent several hours with Alexa's twin and when I find my cable I will download a picture of her. This girl was fun and nasty fun!! Sounds like not much happened and it was easy to catch up which is a shame actually. So someone couldn't hold #2 long enough to do it properly so they pooped in the tub at Angie and Samantha's place. I'm sorry but that is one uncouth girl right there......that is disgusting!!!
  17. OMG Noldus, how could I forget Danaya!! She was one of my all time favorites and thank you for bringing her up. I feel terrible now, how could I forget one of my all time favorite girls to ever grace us with her presence!! Danaya was a special one for me. I loved the way she smiled and always tried to cheer the others up. I loved the way she didn't need anyone else to make you feel like she was in the room. The late night cooking session will always be a special time for me......I felt like she was cooking that dinner just for her and I. Danaya, I know your busy now with your new baby and probably don't read this forum anymore but if by a slight chance you do, I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED YOU AND ALWAYS WILL!!! Now is a very special time in your life with a gift that is totally a miracle! So enjoy your child and nurture your child and raise your child to have the best morals, values, and principles to be able to sustain a happy and healthy life!! Danaya, you are one lady that I truly miss!! Thank you Noldus!!
  18. Yes sir, I remember it all to well. Those were the good old days for sure. I was a fan of Nora as well but got tired of her controlling ways after starting project Barcelona. I loved Lora, Alma, and Maya until she decided to get that awful tattoo on her thigh. Never cared that much for Diana (could take her or leave her it didn't matter) but I did care about the way that peter puffer Efim treated her......never did like that sumbitch. Ravishing Rita stole my heart, it was just something about the way she carried herself that got to me.....a woman with a lot of class!!! K&K Barcelona was a show in itself and really spot lighted the Barcelona story. Yes sir, good times had by all back then!!
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