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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Hi Pirate, First and foremost, I have no twitter, no instagram, no fuckbook, or any other social media apps. Secondly, I would find them annoying as hell. It's just like watching shower reruns of the girls, I find them nothing to gawk at and wouldn't watch them just because a thumbnail showed a girl that I've already seen before taking another freaking shower. Even models, actresses or attractive persons shouldn't constantly be saying "look at me"! Unfortunately we do live in a world where looks mean so much and IMO I think the only ones that forget what the important things really mean are the one's that were raised wrong or are so absorbed by themselves that they don't care about anything else. Once again, the blinding ourselves with new things and all the glitter that we are unable to see the goodness in people around us all stems to a persons upbringing IMO.....it's sad but true I'm afraid.
  2. I knew if it was you that responded I would get a reply like that LOL. Nothing ever serious with you and a lot of the others and that's OK. I ask why and at least it should put some thoughts in some of your heads instead of saying........oh well, there goes so & so taking pictures of herself again or there goes Chiara with Elly & Loraine..I knew that was going to happen because Elly & Loraine didn't want her staying home alone and they are roommates LMAO or because the room is too fucking big or it's the concept of baths in a tub...seriously? Thanks for the reply anyway, no matter how serious or lack there of, it was.
  3. Why is it that the girls take sexy selfies of themselves? Why is it that the other girls really haven't shown any interest in Chiara until last night when they wanted a BBQ dinner? Why is it that all of a sudden Chiara leaves with Elly & Loraine this morning? Why is it that Mary and Bridget have changed their routine? Why is it that all of the 7 girls have not been booted out on their asses yet and replaced by more mature women? Why is it that none of the girls use the big living room anymore like they used to? Why is it that every time the girls take a jacuzzi bath there has to be ton's of bubbles? Why is it that Slava doesn't smoke cigarettes but she smokes the shit out of the ganja?
  4. LMAO It was only a matter of time before part of Jasmin's entourage would show their face in the apartment. Just like I said when I seen that Jasmin and her boy were back that it would happen. Where is she going to sleep I wonder.......on the couch or in the bed with Jasmin and the lineman? RLC never ceases to amaze me with their laziness and stupidity!!
  5. Beldonn1, I know that you are way into Kamila and Kristy and Kaley but with all due respect, they are past their "Born On Date" especially Kami & Kristy. In other words, they are way past their time and should move on to something else and give others a chance to mooch off the subscriber. The've had their day in the sun and hardly anyone talks about them anymore except for a handful of you and that tells me it's time for them to seek something else!
  6. Honesty huh, I'll be totally open and honest about the whole deal. The truth is, is that I was fed up with RLC and the direction they were headed. It was very obvious to me the path they were headed down when it comes to the "Girls" apartments which is all I cared about. The constant teasing shows with no real emotion, no real sensuality, no real spontaneity, the constant UM for no damn reason, the hidden shows by the constant UM for no damn reason, and it pissed me off so I decided that I was done with them and sent them a letter. The letter was open and honest on my part and I must admit it was quite abusive with some very choice words and before I could cancel which was about an hour to an hour and a half later, I was banned. I don't know if it was the choice words I used or all the honest and open things I had to say to them but I was banned before I could actually cancel. The part about RLC that used to get me the most about the "Girls" apartments, was that nothing even close to real (and that is really stretching it) happened until prime time which shows more and more just how fake and a slap in the face to the customers it is. Real emotion, real passion, and any kind of real sex, just don't happen only when it's in prime time! Watching girls sitting and laying around for hours on their cell phones was another big thing with me. I've never seen so much time spent on a cell phone as these girls do, it's ridiculous!! The night of the big orgy in B2 (which I only got to see bits and pieces of thanks to a certain individual on CC, and you know who you are so thank you for that) that everybody couldn't believe and still talk about to this day was a desperate attempt at the time by RLC to hold their current subscription base and maybe gain some new subscriptions in the process and that's all it was. It was fueled by magic water and cocaine or else it never would have happened. I'm sure the magic water and coke were supplied by RLC because it was them that were pushing for the orgy to happen to bail them out of declining subscriptions. RLC then came up with the idea of a 5 day replay service where they charged their customers and extra $30 a month if you wanted to use it, something that should be free with a premium subscription. They sold the replay function due to a decline in revenue and when they seen that there were suckers out there that would pay for it, they decided to keep it at an extra cost to their customers instead of including it in the premium package. When I joined RLC when it first opened I have always felt that the monthly fee was ridiculously high. However, due to my need for some "as close as you could get voyeurism" I joined and then got caught up in it to the point that I was blind to what was taking place before my very eyes and when I snapped one day and sent them the letter I mentioned, the rest is history. Now, while I'm at it, I did go out and get a prepaid Visa card and tried to join again when some things were happening that I thought I needed to see. I was still unable to join and it made me very bitter, but in all honesty it was the best thing that could have happened for me. I have already spent way more money than I should have on a site that catered to hiding with more blind spots than one could imagine! If there is a room it should be covered by cameras, every inch of it and that goes for entry ways and bathrooms!! RLC is all about hiding.......when your on your phones girls be sure you position yourself so that the screen can not be seen because we don't want the subscribers to know our business. What a joke that is!! How many times have you seen the girls go to look at one of the girls cell phones and before you know it their heads are together like they were super glued at the ears? It's a rhetorical question as I already know the answer to it. Hiding means they are hiding things from you and there is nothing real or even close to real with that. Even though I didn't watch the orgy night in Masha & Dasha's place or the Budding of "V" unfold, reading about it and how long it took to happen on CC was brutally painful. They all knew it was going to happen but they played it out to keep the sub base up. That is how RLC works and it will never change because it works for them! I'm tired of typing but I hope this clears up the "what and why" I'm not a subscriber anymore. If there is other questions I will by happy to address them with you!
  7. Well, I'm caught up and the forum is dead because RLC is dead. SO......everybody have a good night. I'm going to turn in early tonight.
  8. I know and you know there is more competition these days, but I don't think RLC fully understands the magnitude of the sitsheation! They will probably try to buy the competition out and the customer will be left with the SOS!!
  9. I was going to comment on this earlier but my neighbor came over for a visit. Sorry to see you go huh LOL. I don't think they are too sorry to see you go if you've been with them for 6 years and all they could say was "they hoped you change your mind". That response is so typical of them. They apparently don't treasure their long time customers or they are just tired of hearing from disappointed customers. It's just one big tease fest these days anyway, with an event that might be worth watching once or twice a year.
  10. LOL you are kidding right? I'm not saying they need a curfew, which by the way, RLC could give them a curfew if they wanted to as their employer. The girls of B2 & B4 spend more quality time outside for their own agenda then they ever do inside for the people that are paying for their stay. I can promise you Fagen that one day you will get tired of it as well.
  11. So some on CC are going to maintain that they were at a photoshoot from 10:38am until 03:00am the next day.....yeahhhh right!
  12. NOPE, not as long as RLC continues to use the girls outside the apartment! Just one question for you Rider. Did you send RLC an email telling them why you cancelled after 6 years??
  13. As long as RLC continues to let these girls go out night after night, you will always have corpses.
  14. I believe there was a purpose to her stay and she never intended to get a bedroom at B2 or B4. I believe she was brought to Barcelona by RLC for some work for RLC outside the apartment. Hell, she might even live in Barcelona for all I know. At any rate, her showing up was very strange!
  15. I don't think they are shy about sex at all. Do you remember when Kami took that one trip and in a translation it was said that she hooked up with a guy just about as soon as she got there? No sir, with all due respect I think you are way wrong about any of the 3 being shy about sex. The problem is, is that they don't want to show the personal side of sex, the cunnilingus and BJ's and only Kami really ever shows her vagina from what I understand.
  16. That could be it also and you would know that better than I. However, I have known a lot of spoiled kids that come from wealthy families that have gone down the wrong path. Just because kids grow up with wealthy parents doesn't necessarily mean they are headed down the right path. I have no idea what Kami and Kaley do outside the apartment but reading past translations and hearing things from other people, those 2 girls are far from being saints!
  17. As for the part in your post about buying a prepaid Visa card to re-subscribe only to find out that I was still blocked by them.....that is entirely accurate and I can't or won't deny that. I had a mental lapse in judgement at that time. I was battling with some health issues and changes in meds and I thought that subscribing to RLC again would be an easy scapegoat for me......a place to get away too. However, that didn't work and today I am glad for that. As for when my friends sub runs out, you will not see me begging for pictures or videos from CC members. I've tried that and it doesn't work, at least for me it doesn't. Don't get me wrong, there are a couple of CC members that have sent me some stuff but that's about it. Let's face it, I'm not very well liked on this forum and I'm OK with that. I say what I think and if people don't like it, then that's too bad. Come to find out, on this forum, there is a lot of people that don't like it LOL. Wait and see is all I can tell you.
  18. WOW.....Loraine is up at 1020 and out the door by 1038, must be an important appointment for her this morning!! Can't keep the clientele waiting!!!!
  19. LOL CC is humorous to me and in my current condition I need all the humor I can get. I quit watching it going on 18 months now. It doesn't matter to me whether you believe it or not, it's your prerogative. I still get pics, videos, and emails of stuff and that is going to end sometime in mid September when my buddies sub runs out. When that happens I will probably not be posting as much anymore. Still......that was a good post from you!! It is accurate and to the point!
  20. The cost is.....that it keeps them out of the mainstream porn business. It was confirmed by a Russian girl that was on the TV show "The Bachelorette" who defected (for lack of a better word) to the US because she didn't want to be in the porn business. She said that unless girls from Russia got a good education and a job that they were always being pulled into the porn business. The porn business in Russia is huge and full of girls that are lazy, uneducated, come from broken homes, are drug addicts. Do the research and you will see that what the Russian girl said is true. The bottom line is they either bust their ass to stay out of the porn business, or they are in the porn business!
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