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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. That's the main reason I quit subscribing to RLC, I could care less about a cock party on RLC!! There are far too many couples apartments and not enough lesbian apartments as far as I'm concerned!!! OK......I just want to clear something up here. The girls got shit faced only to carry out the show! You will know when it's real when it happens without any alcohol or drugs!!! In case you haven't noticed, nothing happens with these girls in the apartment unless they are under the influence of something!!! I understand why you would rather be at B2 this time last night but lets keep it real here. The girls are somebody you wouldn't take home to mother when they are whacked out of their mind, but you would take them home to mother when they are straight! The bottom line with RLC is that it takes so long for anything to happen in the best two apartments, so that when it does everybody loses their minds over it!!!
  2. Foamy.....I must say that you come up with some of the most off the wall stuff I've ever seen!!!
  3. If I had to post one delicacy, it would be lightly grilled yellowfin tuna!!! Sorry, I have no picture because I'm not smart enough :)
  4. I understand that but why in the dark! Hasn't she been on RLC long enough to be used to the cameras by now or does she just like bathing in the dark?
  5. LOL that's some good gum isn't it LOL. I think that most Europeans smoke and would tend to have some bad ass gum to minimize the smokers breath!
  6. LOL it does sound strange and other than an emergency piss such as some of the girls you have seen on RLC, she liked to keep her bathroom antics private and to herself. Her own sister made a comment one time that she couldn't remember the last time she had seen her pee. Other than that, she was real open and into some kinky stuff in the bedroom!
  7. I understand, we have had that talk a couple of times LOL. I guess what I'm saying is I can see his point as well as your point, we are all different!!
  8. I was with my wife for over 34 years and not once did I ever see her take a shit or even pee for that matter. She was pretty anal about that and the hygiene that went with it. I think it's just more of the different strokes for different folks kind of thing!
  9. P.S. It would take a lot of changing on RLC's part before I would ever think about giving them any money again!!
  10. I'm sorry Snakeater, I didn't know I needed your permission to be a part of this forum or it's discussions!! I am told a lot and I see enough to feel like I can contribute to this forum....good or bad!! Why don't you just worry about your own self and let others worry about themselves!! Like I have always said, I trust my main source and all the other sources I have enough to know what I need to form an opinion for this forum. You can take the majority of these posts and know right away that they are blown way out of proportion!! Once again, mind your own business and let me do the same!!!
  11. That is one thing I noticed quite frequently when I was a member, the lack of hygiene these girls displayed. They did tend to wear the same underwear over and over and not to mention licking the rim of jars or double dipping that goes on with these girls LOL. As for sitting on other peoples couches lol, it depends on who those other people are I suppose. I don't have any problem sitting on any of my relatives couches or some of my close friends but when it comes to people I don't know, I kind of look for a chair to sit on.....a wooden chair at that lol. I myself along with most of my family have leather as well and like you said, much easier to keep clean!!
  12. I agree, the first time I seen Irma was the best but as you all know I don't believe in bringing back any of the girls......keep it fresh is my motto!! However, the Irma/Jessica encounter wouldn't have happened unless she was brought back.......................or would it have?? I believe that in her first appearance it would have also happened if the casting had been right!! It's all about the casting and how hard RLC wants to work to make it better for the viewer!!
  13. All I can tell you about Sher is from what I read on here. Apparently she has a Barcelona boyfriend (fuck buddy) that she is having problems with and I'm sure it has nothing to do with her outlandish dreams of what she wants or feels she deserves out of a man. Sorry, but that's all I know about Sher and what is going on in her world at the moment :)
  14. Thanks Happyman, but I don't watch them anymore and I damn sure wouldn't buy something like replay that should be free to the premium members in the first place. Hopefully someone will watch what you are talking about and put it in a post!
  15. I haven't seen any of the stuff you all are talking about between Renata and her so called boyfriend other than what I have read on here so I can't really comment on that, but thanks for saying at least I had a "fair" comment!!
  16. I'm partial towards the Astros because they are my home team, but I have to agree with you Mic!!! It was a great World Series and not just because the team I was pulling for won. I would have been happy for them no matter what the outcome would have been. They had an outstanding season and played their heart's out!!
  17. Unfortunately, you are spot on with your assessment!! I was worried that 5 runs were not going to hold up LOL. If it wasn't for some good pitching, 5 runs wouldn't have been near enough!!
  18. That is all that matters Mic351. Some people are going to enjoy it and some people are not, that's just the way it works in this crazy world. My problem is that those that didn't quite enjoy it like the rest of those that did, should have the right to say so. On this forum it just doesn't work that way!
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