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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. No jjko, I didn't miss you at all, I just chose to leave you out because I was talking about RLC!
  2. Whatever Squirrel, and I mean that with all respect....but seriously, 95% of the tenants are on their 4th, 5th, or 6th time with RLC. There is no doubt that a major part of the problem is RLC's management but the other part of the problem is the same old repeats. Just look at how much a new participant draws in attention when they so up, the rest as I say is just one repeat show after another. The original mission statement would be great but they have already lost with that to the point that they can't go back now because there would be a huge uproar from all the beanbag sitting Cheeto stained penis crowd. RLC messed up when they changed their way of thinking to be more like VHTV. Of course this is only my opinion and it's not shared by anyone else. All the rest of the people on here are happy with the VHTV style of RLC.
  3. I am chill, I said my peace and how I feel about her and it's all good. You guys now have another tramp in the mix....you should all be happy!!
  4. I no longer like Vivian, you all can have the cheating slut! She's now proven she is just another Barcelona slut like all the rest!! Way to go Vivian, I was probably your biggest fan and now I don't like you at all..
  5. Linda & Tibor...boring as f@ck Kitty & Smith...boring as f@ck Martina & Alberto...boring as f@ck Mirukawa & Dante...boring as f@ck Gina & Bruno...boring as f@ck Masha...boring as f@ck Leora & Malia...boring B1, B2, B4, & B5...boring as f@ck If I left anyone out...they're boring as f@ck too With that being said, it's way past time for all of these village idiots to go!!!!
  6. For those of you that said Nana didn't get a new cell phone....you can all kiss my ass!!
  7. LOL why would I say something before it happens and then it doesn't happen? Then I get people like you saying everything I say is BS. I was told by observation from a guy on this forum that there would be guest/guests arriving today and he was right, but in no way am I going to say this or anything about that until it happens to keep assholes like you from spewing your venom on me.
  8. Dude, it's real simple, either you see worth in what I'm saying or you don't. It's all in what each of us believe. If what I believe is not what you believe, I don't have a problem with that.
  9. Say for example Tesla is a slut and has proven it since she's been here. She will kiss any guy that will give her the time of day and has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I'm talking about there being an itinerary and how the girls choose to make that itinerary work is up to them....end of story!
  10. Says another dumb ass viewer that doesn't even know what he's viewing!!
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