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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Jenny just has a very GLOWING personality :bang head: :bang head: :bang head: :bang head: :bang head:
  2. From what I have read after being back from hunting, Nikki is the type of girl that is just to scared to show or try anything. I guess you have to take the bad with the bad sometimes!
  3. Jenny looks like she knows where to stick it too! However, I don't think Nikki is in to girls at all, much less younger ones LOL.
  4. Nikki can eat all the melon she wants, she won't even come close to being a Kristy!
  5. Texas here as well, which really is god's country!!
  6. There is actually 4 hiding places you pay for lol, you forgot the downstairs bathroom!
  7. I actually think when she is doing it under the covers or on top of the covers, she is doing it to get off! I don't remember the date she did it the first good time but she really got in to it and came real hard in the end. I know she was trying to please the paying members but she damn sure made sure she pleased herself just as much.
  8. I tell you what jamie140, you got the bitch part right except I believe you should have said frustrated bitch! I will give Nora credit though, she keeps herself in good shape and she would be a wild animal in bed. That girls has more moves than a moving company when it comes to sex. The only bad part is Kiko is the one having sex with her and he is literally the most boring spectacle to watch and therefore I would not watch them having sex for that reason. Just watch Nora when she feels like showing the subscribers one of her masturbation sessions, she is so sensual and sexy with her performance it's crazy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge Nora fan but the girl does have some mad skills when she wants to show them off!!
  9. LOL you think she would, I'd let Nora do whatever she wanted as long as she pays me good!
  10. I totally agree with you! Kristy was top shelf in my opinion! Kamila was good too but to wishy washy for me. I can definitely understand the appeal that she had to most viewers though. I believe as you do that Alisa/Monika would be a great fit for Kristy. I would have said Rita but don't believe the chemistry between Rita and Kristy would be as strong as the chemistry between Alisa/Monika and Kristy. Just my opinion folks, please don't send emails or PM's to the mods to have me banned for another week!!
  11. I miss them for all of you that really liked them and couldn't get enough of them, only because RLC has not done their job in getting tenants that are out there and that could replace them if they would just put out the time, $$$, and effort!!!
  12. Whatever the case may be, it isn't working anymore! I can totally understand them looking for younger girls, easier to manipulate.
  13. More scriptedness, that will keep the subscribers happy! It worked well with K&K!! You might as well face it, RLC is going down hill fast, they have made their money and are apparently tired of dealing with all the complaints and applying themselves to look for good tenants, they are lazzzzzzyyyyyy!!! I think they are looking to fail so they can take the money and run to get back to their drinks on the beach! Just my opinion.
  14. You know what bookmaster, you are absolutely right this time. I for one was calling for new girls simply because I was tired of seeing the same ole song and dance with K&K. I was tired of seeing picture after picture of them being on their cell phones constantly, literally darn near every waking minute of the day even when they would shower they would be on the darn cell phones. It got old to me but I have had allot of time to think about it due to being on the ban wagon and I'm one to say that what they had was truly very special and liked by the majority of CC. I apologize to everyone for saying things about those two girls that I never should have said. In the end there is only one person that will be the judge!!
  15. In my opinion, I feel that they haven't devoted the time or effort for finding suitable people to fill the vacancy spots. Not in just this apartment but all the apartments. These people are not your everyday walking Joes, they are used to living the high life and probably really don't give a darn who they get as long as the checks don't bounce! By these people I'm referring to all of the RLC staff.
  16. Thanks to all who has posted pics across all the apartments boards. They were nice in my week of ban hammer mania! Not sure what I did to deserve it, but OK, life marches on!! Y'all have a great rest of the week and an even better weekend! I'm leaving early in the morning to go bird hunting!!
  17. To make this a happy forum I would like to see K&K get their own apartment because there are allot more people that like them, then there are that didn't care for them. I liked them but I like one more than the other!
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