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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. LOL from what I've been told, they all have them so it probably came as a thank you gift from RLC.
  2. First off, I have my reasons for hanging around here and RLC is just one small part of it. Secondly, what Max said is 100% accurate (VHRLC) and 180 degrees off of what I would want RLC to be before I would consider ever taking up a subscription with them. I've said it a thousand times, enough with the f#cking repeats, enough with RLC letting tenants continue to hide when they are in the apartment/house that you people pay for. Enough of all of you wanting each and everyone of these girls that show up to work on RLC, to be slutty just because they are on RLC!! I suspect Vivian is one of the ones that knows she is here to show nudity but for goodness sake, don't throw her in a cesspool of girls like the two newly acquired sluts that RLC just brought on board just to get your jollies off! RLC needs more girls like Vivian and I hope she continues the way she has and doesn't let anything she reads on this F'd up forum persuade her to be something that she doesn't want to be. J-mom, you are into the whole porn thing and are the only person I personally know that would budget themselves to see porn...think about that. You fit in with so many others it's not even funny!!
  3. LMAO what do you mean nothing exciting happened, didn't someone say that one of the girls was sucking the guys dick? Bring a guy home from a club and suck his dick the very next day....what a couple of sluts RLC hired!!
  4. and here I thought you were one of the smarter ones.....SAD!!
  5. I hope Vivian stays true to her beliefs and doesn't do anything even remotely close to what those other two sluts are doing!!
  6. LMAO RLC didn't get lucky, they just hired two sluts that's all.
  7. All young girls invite a guy back to their place after just meeting him in a club/bar!! No sir, sluts do that and not all girls!!
  8. LMAO....you've lost your mind!! Nobody gives two shits about any of these people except for people like yourself. You said it yourself, they are fantasy girls....and the the sad part is, it takes you $45 a month to conjure up a fantasy in your mind!! When the majority of people in the world fantasize about something, they simply close their eyes and imagine, but it takes you seeing something to fantasize about it....I think you may be in need of some serious help my friend!! What, to you, makes these people special over all the other (real) people in the world? I can't wait to read your reply if you are so brave enough to answer!!
  9. Glad you did to be honest because I'm sick of reading about anything Nelly, Bogdan, Martina, and Alberto if you want to know the truth of it all...
  10. LOL, Bogdan uses the garage a lot when there are girls out at the pool because there are three windows in the garage that overlook the pool and he can be the perve that he is and spy on them without being detected unless he wants to be.
  11. Please explain how you think that it is strange. I have two different places in the country and I've had to leave my property to ask people that live at least a mile from my house to please turn their music down. These RLC tenants are disrespectful and think they can do anything they please without any consequences. They think their shit don't stink and are totally pathetic IMHO!!
  12. Yes you did, you must have been too high for your brain to understand what you had read because it was all mentioned in the threads.
  13. The only reason RLC ever stepped in and said enough is enough is when one of the girls found out how easy it was to see what she had done on RLC. That is the time that RLC finally stopped it from continuing.
  14. They reached that point the minute B4 came back online with them being listed their as a couple. Who in the heck are you trying to showoff for? Your posts, for the most part, are far far off the scale with BS as far as I'm concerned!!
  15. They do have an archive but only RLC employee's can see it. I stumbled upon it one day and of course it was password protected which didn't stop me trying to gain access. RLC must have seen someone as in me trying to access it with multiple password attempts and a couple of days later it was gone/moved/renamed to something else and I couldn't find it anymore.
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