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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Are you sure you're not being a little judgmental there? lol. I've known plenty of real "ladies" who are "class acts" who have slipped occasionally (especially when drunk and/or had a guy they really cared for dump them) and have done that and more. None of us are perfect. :) Give the poor girl a break. I think she may have just had her heart broken by her boyfriend. I'm not sure, though. bookmaster, I love yah man but that dude wasn't her boyfriend, I think he was just putting on a show for her to get what he wanted. Now that he got what he wanted, you never see him again! Didn't he even say he had a girlfriend back home? I can understand shooting the finger but she didn't have to shoot it at us! Hell, we paid for that expensive wine that got her in that condition in the first place LOL.
  2. Bravo ! Mais qu'elle est vulgaire !!!! That wasn't very nice now was it! If it wasn't for us she wouldn't be here!!!
  3. No sir!!! Don't forget you wanted the drunk one, Coco is mine buddy LOL.
  4. Nora, Kamila had absolutely nothing to do with the bomb that went off downstairs. I hope she reads this!! You know she will come here directly to see what happened.lol I was just thinking, I wonder if Malana is just drunk or whether she know she is on the way out and this is her way of flipping off Nora. She was specifically doing things that were pointed to irritate Nora. Moving the couch, removing the new cover for the couch. Throwing everything off the table one at a time. Flipping off camera 1 etc. We are going to feel the aftershocks world wide! You forgot to mention putting her nasty feet all over the dining room table!!
  5. If I didn't know any better, I would think you are SanPer!! Nice work!
  6. Now that's what I call a squirter! Fuck squirter, that is a drencher!!
  7. Nora, Kamila had absolutely nothing to do with the bomb that went off downstairs. I hope she reads this!!
  8. That's a good point! I guess we will just have to wait and see. Kira is to shy for the kind of girl Nina is, and usually that is what makes it work!
  9. Yummy yummy yummy I want her on my tonguey, cuz I feel like lovin her!! Thanks K.Lane for all the contributions to this forum!!
  10. I love the way you explain what is happening with them to us! Please keep up the good work!!!
  11. BCN is a 24 hour party city if you know where to look. The clubs don't start getting busy until about 2am then continue until 6-7. So they are probably off to Shoko La Terrazza or City Hall, there's loads of Russian girls in those clubs. You are not making me feel any better but I totally understand what you're saying.
  12. I'm with you. I have never seen her anything close to like this before. Even when she's come home after a big night and was feeling it, she wasn't anywhere near this drunk. I think we all want their safety, but the fact of the matter is, they've decided to go out in a condition that they never should have gone out in. They've made their bed so now they are going to have to lie in it. I think Coco talked Kami in to going with them so she could help her with Milana. The only and I do mean only saving grace to any of this tom foolery is that Kamila is not drunk and as far as I know she hasn't been drinking. She will be the hero if the other two don't corrupt her with drinks tonight!!
  13. I don't think you can afford that expensive wine Micky, so buy some boons farm and let er rip tater chip! And one more thing, don't think the guys aren't going to be saying, fuck one hell no, fuck them all! They'll all be getting the chubby tonight!!
  14. I don't think you can afford that expensive wine Micky, so buy some boons farm and let er rip tater chip!
  15. I am really getting concerned. I have never seen Milana anything close to this drunk before. If they do go out, I see a potential disaster. As you said, they shouldn't even be considering going anywhere in the state they're in. I'm worried about them. :( les puedo dar un orientacion de lo que va a pasar si salen , por donde viven seguramente les roben el bolso mientras se la estan chupando a un pakistani que vende latas de cerveza por la playa eso en el mejor de los casos , igual se la follan dos moros contra un container de basura antes de robarles el bolso . Unfortunately that's how shit happens when women get in that condition! A friend of mine in my freshman year of college who happened to be a good looking girl, she got toasted at a beach party and was found raped and dead in the sand dunes the next morning. I'm sure there is some kind of waiver that all the girls that participate with RLC have to sign so they're not held responsible.
  16. I was thinking the same thing and you're right, she is going to blow a gasket!!
  17. I am really getting concerned. I have never seen Milana anything close to this drunk before. If they do go out, I see a potential disaster. As you said, they shouldn't even be considering going anywhere in the state they're in. I'm worried about them. :( They got to learn sometime!! I just wish Kamila would have made a better decision and stayed home!
  18. All I know is she picked a bad night for not going commando!!!
  19. I don't doubt that a bit. They'll be getting the high hard one before the nights over you can bet on that! I'm sure that wine wasn't cheap LOL.
  20. They are wasted no doubt and for some reason all girls like Rihanna!! I am getting tired of the only times we do get to see them they are sleeping.
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