I listened in as she was watching something on the laptop, but it sounded a lot like some kind of documentary from the tone of the speaker's voice. Two in a row, actually. However, she began looking at something on her phone while in the GR, also. That's when her fingers began to wander. When she went to the BR, from the fuzzy frames below I could see she was bating and I gave up, figuring that would be all. Of course I was wrong. It's the story of my life.
Her musical tastes are pretty varied, but this morning... her taste totally blows. She has a song on that sounds like the same one over and over and over again, or perhaps it's a group that has no stylistic variety. It's a total downer song. Punk, perhaps?
For so much anticipation concerning wanting K&K to have their own place, it sure has turned out to be a waste of an apartment. There's none of the prior fun these two girls were having while in Barcelona. Watching them is like watching paint dry.
From observing them, I get a strong impression these girls are very good friends, nearly like sisters. They're obviously extremely comfortable with each other, but that's as far as it goes. It's great that they can have so much fun together. =)
Leora's preparing to get her groove on in the living room and, wouldn't you just know it, that dog starts its barking routine, even before she gets into it good. How the mutt knows she's going to bate before Leora ever gets started is beyond my meager ability to comprehend.
Sounds like Paul is playing the chords for "Behind Blue Eyes" by The Who, but I could be wrong. They're in the guest room, Leora sitting on the floor, apparently sans panties, and he's playing his guitar.
That's how it appears at the moment, at least. Anna's back is turned to Irma. They're talking, but no sex seems imminent. That could change, but I doubt it.