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Everything posted by Maxbell

  1. I think it’s deeper than that. I have yet to see her show any interest in much and lacks the energy of someone so young. Go have fun for Gods sake, woman. I was referring to Vera or Una…the blonde one. Anyhow, I know this is OT, sorry
  2. Well done Max Ragnar on Kimberly. There are lots who don’t get it when it comes to alcohol problems and they use themselves as the gauge for it. Kim has social issues that would stem back many years and she has developed ways to cope, by isolation at times and booze other times. I also bet she doesn’t reveal her inner self even to her friends so it’s hard to get really close. With booze she doesn’t feel all those issues. Sorry if I am just repeating bits that you said as well Max Ragnar. It’s all seems familiar to me though.
  3. Is Lilith smoking pot or tobacco? I see others do that to, quick puffs, no one smokes a cigarette like that
  4. I thought they were gay. They may be plying along so as not to expose themselves.
  5. She is so annoying, feeling bad for the dudes, I’m surprised they haven’t had enough yet.
  6. she threw the phone the same way they have sex....absolute indifference 🥱
  7. I looked a bit earlier and that light is on casting white light…it must be something in the camera that is picking up in that when it’s dark but not enough to shift into night vision…but yeah it’s super shitty
  8. Check out that clothing iron at 16:30. It took a while to figure out what it was...
  9. Great post Epikouros. Very well put, objective, just the facts. Some folks here should maybe reel it in a bit. Anyone who just tuned into this forum should start by reading this first. It’s becoming a lynch mob mentality.
  10. I brought this exact thing up. When someone has been sexually assaulted, the victims name is never released at least in North America. But here the victims names was continually shouted out for days…this brought a ton of attention to her that she did not ask for. No one knows her thoughts here. She will likely not ever be brought back by RLC.
  11. ...and I wonder if we'll ever see Lilith again? I had no beef with her
  12. "What the Lord giveth, the Lord can taketh away." Exactly, well said
  13. Glad to hear some objectivity here. I hadn’t seen it but it sounds like it Glad to hear some objectivity. Keep it in perspective. RLC knows what happened. There is a good chance the participants know. Let them do what they need to do. Usually the victim of a sexual assault if that is what is decided, the victims name is not released. Consider that please. She may not want this attention.
  14. Lilith is super drunk. Bogdon got up and started saying something that triggered Lilith and she slapped them both. Morin seemed pretty hammered too
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