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Everything posted by Maxbell

  1. Thanks, good for Naya being assertive like that. And it’s pretty funny too…poor poor Massimo 🤣
  2. Was a notification about Medusa sent out by RLC or something? I haven’t got one yet. That’s usually where that information comes from
  3. I see it a little different. I see Medusa has won the lottery, she is out of that stink hole of Masha's, away from that erratic woman, now she has a huge room, her own room, a huge of her own bed, living in Spain, a paycheck for just existing, not working at a restaurant, lots of attention and fans, free food, new friends....this gives her and others like her of a much nicer life and incentive to reach for a better life when its over. She may even succumb to mass, she is a sexual being after all, like most of the others that would be short term though. But Sergio I also see your point. 🙂
  4. As comedian Craig Ferguson explains to the audience when he bombs " ...not all jokes are funny..." 🤣 keep trying 😉
  5. lol, the short one seems quite satisfied with Marilyn’s ass in those leggings, he gave a nod of approval 🤣🤣🤣
  6. @chogdad they “view mass as Adonis and they can’t resist” Maybe because women think with their pussy sometimes just like guys think with their dick. I wouldn’t be surprised if Medusa samples his product as well.
  7. Too much hugging going on with the Europeans. It’s confusing to North America….we’d all be in jail for what is considered a sexual crime here! 🤣🤣🤣 it had to be invented by dudes, so even when the girl is pissed they can still can grind Mr Happy against her
  8. Epikouros Some good thoughts. I’m booking an appt for a Gay tattoo right now, and test your idea out. 😉 I will leave enough room for later to add “ I Am Not A“ written above it! 🤣🤣🤣
  9. lol. That would be a hilarious sight. I think the difference is, vegans aren't typically attacked by vegan-phobes, 🤣 but the reality is some places or groups of idiots will be violent against gays. Thats why I think its a pretty strong commitment to gay-ness.
  10. Nipples poking through all that clothing. Lookout Karma, there's a new nipple in town! 🤣
  11. They are very closely related. When I first called him a sociopath months ago, I was giving him some benefit of the doubt. Below is a pretty good depiction:
  12. I'll keep B4 part of this. The LBGQS2WTF which EMO would be part of, have created so many names based on nuance is unworkable. "Ci"s is one intended to marginalize the normal straight people which is entirely bullshit. Gay is typically referring to male homosexuals, though depending on context can include more, However I say someone like Emo, that tats GAY on their chest like that is sending a clear message they are male homosexual, no nuance to that. IMO 🙂
  13. Naturally, in fact when she first came, the two were chatting in the kitchen for a while.
  14. Interesting, I guess she could be having sex at work but not for work? LOL. As its been said, there is no requirement to have sex by RLC. When they make a meal, does that make them a working restaurant worker? Does Karaoke make them a working professional singer? and so on I'm joking but its kinda the same. 🙂
  15. I have been thinking the same thing, she has broke free, good for her. And not a bad gig, moving fo Barcelona....sweet.
  16. U used to think that but take "Karma", that fits right her to well not to have been chosen by Karma. If you are new she is into Tarot cards, Tantra and that sort of thing.
  17. Hey Wegaleba. They are not all sex workers. Some are true, and some people say others are but I haven’t seen evidence. You decide yourself. And there are relationships of various kinds.
  18. If I spent $3K on drinks for a couple girls, I would expect more that sex, I would expect them to clean my rain gutters, mow my lawn and wash my car……😂
  19. Lol, anyone with GAY loudly plastered on his chest, I would say is pretty GAY. Does fucking a girl make him nauseous? apparently not. I had a real good gay friend tell me gays who are in straight relationships do not like eating pussy at all. I guess the implication is they will fuck a women but maybe they think of butt holes when they do. But I think Emo has eaten Sara pussy? I haven’t solved anything 🤣🤣🤣
  20. Ok, who is this a painting of? Is it by Sara? Did she do it during this stay?
  21. She has mass’s paint out a while ago and I thought, hoped, she was going to update it with her feelings now. But she was just showing someone on the phone. Ew ew idea…keeping with the pool theme, if she put it at the bottom of B7 pool painted side up, wouldn’t that be a hoot!
  22. Keen, the pool! 🤣🤣🤣 it occurred to me Nelly might be pissed his dildos and crap were left there too, but it’s not really her place or problem. i think Nelly is just a crabby person, maybe because she is getting older. I loved those guys in Russia back when she had real boobs. Now she seems not as happy and I can’t even look at the fake boobs sadly. I do wish I liked fake boobs but I don’t.
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