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Everything posted by Maxbell

  1. I have been thinking the same thing, she has broke free, good for her. And not a bad gig, moving fo Barcelona....sweet.
  2. U used to think that but take "Karma", that fits right her to well not to have been chosen by Karma. If you are new she is into Tarot cards, Tantra and that sort of thing.
  3. Hey Wegaleba. They are not all sex workers. Some are true, and some people say others are but I haven’t seen evidence. You decide yourself. And there are relationships of various kinds.
  4. If I spent $3K on drinks for a couple girls, I would expect more that sex, I would expect them to clean my rain gutters, mow my lawn and wash my car……😂
  5. Lol, anyone with GAY loudly plastered on his chest, I would say is pretty GAY. Does fucking a girl make him nauseous? apparently not. I had a real good gay friend tell me gays who are in straight relationships do not like eating pussy at all. I guess the implication is they will fuck a women but maybe they think of butt holes when they do. But I think Emo has eaten Sara pussy? I haven’t solved anything 🤣🤣🤣
  6. Ok, who is this a painting of? Is it by Sara? Did she do it during this stay?
  7. She has mass’s paint out a while ago and I thought, hoped, she was going to update it with her feelings now. But she was just showing someone on the phone. Ew ew idea…keeping with the pool theme, if she put it at the bottom of B7 pool painted side up, wouldn’t that be a hoot!
  8. Keen, the pool! 🤣🤣🤣 it occurred to me Nelly might be pissed his dildos and crap were left there too, but it’s not really her place or problem. i think Nelly is just a crabby person, maybe because she is getting older. I loved those guys in Russia back when she had real boobs. Now she seems not as happy and I can’t even look at the fake boobs sadly. I do wish I liked fake boobs but I don’t.
  9. Maybe he means mass already pushed Karmas buttons??
  10. They have had pretty big scraps before and next day they are humping like rabbits. Never say never, but mass made a huge thing about it to everyone at the party, looking for someone to be on his side. I don’t think anyone could give a shit. Would he fuck Sara again after Emos ding-a-ling was in that pussy and he did all the infantile whining to every one? I doubt it.
  11. Agreed. Its been really interesting watching and trying to understand his character. Its funny that he can not digest the fact Emo screwed Sara. If you look up how do you anger a sociopath "frustrate their schemes" . He knows he can match any straight male in a sex contest but the gay dude came out of the blue and has completely threatened the facade he has created.
  12. Thx. She has a masculine look and of course her and Sara had a thing I read. Is she lesbian or bi?
  13. Not gay? I don’t want to be contrary Ponch, but he is gay and he is also straight. 😉 🤣
  14. Summertime? Which planet are you on? 😉 jk. North America put clocks forward a couple weeks ago
  15. One thing that was left out is what Massimo is most pissed about is Sara got fucked by the emo guy, who is gay. So in what I believe are Massimos words, he was “cuckolded by a fag” 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 His narcissist ego can’t deal with that reality. He spent half the party whining about it to half the people he talked to, including to the dudes. I don’t think he will get over that. 😂
  16. That’s a fact. I can’t help it, they are so distracting and are there only to send some message. I got no idea what that message is except “I like to look like an idiot” 🤡
  17. I know nothing about Hawk yet, the name is suggestive LOL. Looks are hard to go on. I remember when Mass first appeared (to me anyhow) It was at a party in B4. he was sitting on the dining room chair just watching. I thought, wow, this nerdy dude with the Poindexter glasses and the nerdy hair-cut is sooooo out of place here. It wasn't long at all and he was introduced to Cecelia I think? and pretty much immediately grabbed her by the pussy. So much for the nerd, what we have here is something very different.
  18. It was fun to see mass get messed with with last night. i have no sympathy at all. The girls teased the shit out of him and I am good with that. He is a fool for not figuring that out and leaving. I thought I had a screen shot of this, but Octavia's comment was priceless as mess was getting on the elevator..Paraphrased "...I knew I couldn't have a conversation with you.." I probably worded it wrong.
  19. I went to bed half way thru yesterdays events. I went back in CC to catch up. 50% was two CC members fighting. I dont mind some of this but for Christs sake knock it off! 🤣
  20. She was sniffing him, like a wife would sniff her husband if she suspected him of having an affair.
  21. Sounds like yelling, then she sniffed as if trying to smell a women’s perfume on him
  22. he can’t let go of the fact Sara prefers a homosexual to him…..hahahahaha… Sara should sleep with Karma tonight, he seems a little irratic
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