i agree but i'm pretty sure Adele doesn't care. Whats worse, because Danaya has no mind of her own and does what Adele 'convinces' her to do (just like Ilona before), Danaya isn't doing much better. Wish i could have understood the conversation this morning when they returned...looked like Adele was doing everything she could to convince Danaya of something?
Glad to hear she's leaving but, i'm not sure it will change anything. What will Danaya do without Ilona or Adele telling her??? Let me guess...sleep, eat, play on ipad/iphone, maybe go out...repeat!
i'm all for 2nd. chances. Like i've said many times before, i like Danaya and spoken in favor of her many times. My only fear is that she would train a new girl go out as much as she does now. This will not solve the problem. Again...it's a hard life to be a voyeur when there's nothing to watch?
Agree 99% Yuri. I think there is 'some' blame to go around...i blame both the girls (because i think they knew what they 'were' getting into) and RLC for telling people to pay $45 (commercial part) and they will provide us with a social experiment environment in which you can watch (be a voyeur). The tough part for us is that it is difficult to watch when the apartment is empty so much of the time! At least that's my opinion!
I'm kind of hoping she will stay home! Better yet, maybe she will take danaya with her and RLC can find some new tenants who actually understand the intent of the voyeur apartment concept!