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Posts posted by hilts122

  1. I am pretty convinced Elli is either a prostitute, doing porn or she is into some serious S&M.  Who ever she is going to see is wrecking her pussy and is pretty rough considering the bruises.  What is RLC going to do with this house?  It has dissolved into just 2 clowns sitting around being lazy.  The eye candy is gone!!!

  2. 11 hours ago, Pete1960 said:

    Aha that must be it, her Dyke friend has turned her to the dark side, that must be who she is visiting on her nightly trysts.

    Yesterday Elli's pussy was swollen, red and her hair was all greasy looking.  She is also sporting new bruises every day.  He thighs and ass are all bruised!  Someone is definitely fucking the hell out of her.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Joe Biden claims he knows nothing about Hunter's business deals. But White House logs show that Hunter Biden's business partners visited the White House numerous times when Joe Biden was VP. One of Hunter's business partners claims he had a personal meeting with Joe Biden about Hunter's business deals. There are bank records showing millions of dollars being transferred from China to the bank accounts of Biden family members. There is an IRS whistle blower claiming the DOJ interfered in an IRS investigation of the Bidens. The Congress shouldn't investigate this?

    Ok?  So if Joe Biden is found to have committed a crime, he should be impeached!  I don't mindlessly follow anyone!  Most Democrats aren't fanatics for the person they voted for.  That's a republican trait.  Biden being impeached doesn't bother me one bit.  The laws in this country shouldn't bend for anyone...  No one should be above the law.  You people are the ones crying if certain people are held to account for their crimes!

  4. 14 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    As Hunter Biden faces a potential criminal indictment this week, his former best friend Devon...



    Is Hunter president? 🤔  If he is found guilty, he should go to jail!!!  You see, the difference between Democrats and trumpers is we don't blinding follow anyone.  We don't make excuses for criminal behavior or play the whataboutism game.  You guys will make excuses for anything your leaders do.  No matter what they do, you claim it's a conspiracy against your guy/girl like a bunch of brainwashed cult members!

  5. Just now, Ridgerunner said:

    But the people promoting the environmental regulations will exempt themselves from those regulations. Did you notice that all the fat cat environmentalists who met in Davos, Switzerland traveled there in their private jets? Each one of those fat cats has a one year carbon footprint much greater than what my carbon footprint will be for my life time.    China is taking the lead in the world because for 50 years we have been shipping our factories and jobs to China. Then we buy the products that are produced in China and the Chinese government uses that money along with the technology they steal from us to build their military. We were energy independent when Trump left office, and one of the first things Joe Biden did when he took office was to shutdown the Keystone pipeline and restrict the development of new sources of gas and oil. And you believe the fear mongering clowns in the left wing media who portray MAGA people as dumb, hillbilly racists. Most of the MAGA people I know are hard working peaceful Americans. 

    NOW we are having a real discussion!  You are right about most Maga people.  I will continue tomorrow.  Going to bed.  I want to continue having a calm rational discussion/debate.  I'm sure I am wrong about some things as are you possibly.  But we have to be willing to talk to one another.  We both want what we think is best for OUR country!

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  6. 27 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    And Starlight has never lived in the U.S. but is always telling us how terrible the U.S. is.  If everything is so safe in Baltimore why do you need to carry a weapon?

    As I've already said many times...  if every rightwinger is carrying, I will as well.  But I would stop in a heartbeat if stricter laws were passed.  I think our gun situation is purely ignorant!

  7. 7 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Show us photos of the inner city of Baltimore.

    I will tomorrow.  Have you been to Harbor East?  Have you been to Mount Vernon?  Have you been to the Pendry Hotel?  Have you been to Fells Point, Federal Hill or Canton?  Have you seen Patterson Park?  Have you been to Hampden?  Have you stayed at the Four Seasons in Harbor East?  Have seen the beautiful Brown Stones in Bolton Hill?  I can keep going.  So many amazing Baltimore neighborhoods.  Does Baltimore have rough areas, yes, every jurisdiction in America does!  I don't know where you live but I guarantee my neighborhoods are just as safe and more beautiful!  Oh yeah, how did I forget the annual Christmas Cookie Tour!  Where every home surroumding Franklin Square Park opens their doors and allows people to tour their homes and serves fresh baked cookies for charity (beautiful brown stone mansions)!  Yeah, you've never been to Baltimore!














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  8. 7 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Because the gun bills Democrats want to pass would disarm law abiding American citizens and do nothing to stop gun violence in the U.S. There are already laws against murder, but people still commit murders. If a person is willing to violate the laws against murder do you really believe new gun laws will prevent that person from illegally obtaining a weapon?  Proposed new gun laws are just like climate change regulations. Proposed climate change regulations have very little to do with saving the earth and much more to do with imposing government control over people's lives. They want to tell you what kind of car you can drive, how large your house can be, what foods you can and can't eat, what kind of furnace, cook stove, a/c, water heater, washer, clothes dryer, dishwasher, etc. you can have in your house. 

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 So climate change law's are about controling people..🤔?  Then tell me, what does the government get out of controling people's lives?  Who benefit's from said control?  You see, we don't have a monarcy.  People who are forever in power.  So why would elected representatives put said laws of control in place when they have to live under the same law's?  Why is it so easy for you to believe people who are only manipulating you so you will keep listening to and watching them but hard for you to believe people who went to school and obtained degrees to be able to provide us with needed information?  If you believe no one except the fear mongering clowns in rightwing media, you are in trouble.  Sad!  This is why China is taking the lead on the world stage, half of the United States has lost it grasp on reality!

  9. Just now, hilts122 said:

    Have you been to Baltimore?  Because I don't have steel bars on my windows!  What in gods name is fox news telling you...🤣🤣🤣🤣!  How about you show me statistics that prove your distorted ignorant stance!  Who said anything about immigration?  Riddle me this, if all statistics that don't fit your narrative or view point is incorrect or a lie then how do you have any type of grasp on reality?  Are you human?  Because no human is perfect or always right.  So if you think what you dream up in your head has to be right, no matter what the facts are.... isn't that in it's self mental illness?  I live in Baltimore and someone who seems to have never been here is telling me how dangerous it is...🤣🤣🤣  Where are the bars on the windows and the gangs...🤣?  



    The kitchen and den off of the kitchen... omg, it's so dangerous and ghetto here!  This is my Mayfield home.  I will bost neighborhood pics tomorrow if you want!  We have another home being renovated in Guilford, overlooking Lake Montebello, tell me, should I be worried about gangs there as well?  Dude, you are special...🤣🤣🤣


  10. 4 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Numbers can be manipulated by statisticians to show whatever they want them to show, but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that where I live is much safer than the city of Baltimore. Also, we don't have steel bars on our windows, and store cashiers don't need to stand behind bullet proof glass as they do in Baltimore and other large cities.  Next you will probably try to convince me that illegal immigration has reduced since Biden became president. What sort of phony statistics do you have to prove that point?  

    Have you been to Baltimore?  Because I don't have steel bars on my windows!  What in gods name is fox news telling you...🤣🤣🤣🤣!  How about you show me statistics that prove your distorted ignorant stance!  Who said anything about immigration?  Riddle me this, if all statistics that don't fit your narrative or view point is incorrect or a lie then how do you have any type of grasp on reality?  Are you human?  Because no human is perfect or always right.  So if you think what you dream up in your head has to be right, no matter what the facts are.... isn't that in it's self mental illness?  I live in Baltimore and someone who seems to have never been here is telling me how dangerous it is...🤣🤣🤣  Where are the bars on the windows and the gangs...🤣?  



  11. 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

    But if you were really truthful, you would tell us the real reason you carry a weapon in Baltimore is to protect yourself from gang members, and they ain't Trump supporters. So stop blowing smoke my direction, because I'm not that naive. 

    So now you are inside my head?  🤣🤣🤣  Oh my god you people are ignorant!  Whether you believe me or not, I could care less!  Who are you clown?  Blowing smoke 🤣🤣🤣🤣!  You troglodytes are constantly talking about guns and taking your country back...etc, etc.  So the NRA isn't rightwing?  Or did I make that up also?  How did you people get this pathetic?

  12. 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

    So you need a gun to protect yourself from a peaceful unarmed American citizen like me? Appears to me you've watched too much CNN, MSNBC and NPR. Your description of me as a Trump supporter is such a childish stereotype. For a so called college grad you don't sound that intelligent. And you can present and manipulate statistics all you want, but one thing I know for sure is that where I live is much safer than in the large cities of America. For damn sure, safer than Baltimore.

    I never said I went to college!  So if you don't own a gun and you're insinuating you people aren't a bunch of gun crazy, violent, 2nd amendment psycho's then why are we having such a hard time getting republicans to pass a gun bill?  As far as you not thinking I'm intelligent 🤣🤣🤣🤣  why do you bring it up damn near every time you write your little attempt at a retort?  Oh yeah, how did I twist statistics?  Show me the evedence!  Oh yeah, I forgot, you clowns don't need evidence of fact, you just keep saying the same nonsense hoping for it to be true.🤣, like how you all keep saying the election was stolen from trump (aka orange Jesus)🤣🤣

  13. 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

    But you also said you were left wing. Like I said before, I've never met a left wing conservative. :confused:

    Like I said, I am a conservative democrat!  You saying you've never heard of it shows your mental feebleness!  So you've never heard of Sen. Joe Manchin?🤣🤣🤣  If you haven't, then why are you involving your little mind in a political discussion?🤔🤯

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  14. 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Now you are an outright fucking liar. Show me where I ever said liberals should be eradicated. 

    Oh sorry, that was the other trumpy liar!  You dumbies love throughing around the L word!  But never show facts to back up any of you positions.  Like you for instance, your the type that tries to deflect from any debate about facts by trying to show your intelligence, or lack there of, by trying to taking apart the other persons spelling or simple mistakes... never answering the question posed!  You guys are funny!🤣🤣🤣

  15. 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

    And you don't sound that brilliant to me. Anyone who chooses to live in a city where you need to carry a weapon with you in order to feel safe is not very smart in my book.  I would never ever want to live in a city like Baltimore.

    Well now we are getting somewhere!  So you have no problem getting rid of concealed carry and guns in general, right?  Like I've already said, I carry because you clowns run around threatening people and promoting guns.  Also, as I have already shown, Baltimore is safer than any red state or city!  Let's compare the numbers smart guy!  You need to stop listening to the proven liars on fox!

  16. 3 hours ago, Nicholas said:

           Precisely, you are lying, you obviously mentally disturbed leftist sorry excuse of humanity, since it does not have anything to do with so called maga. For you obviously mentally mind warp deficient leftists, maga, is an abreviation for a slogan referred to as 'Make America Great Again' which does not have anything to do with what you mentally disturbed mind warped leftists have impied it does. As a matter of fact, it is a slogan much more patriotic than anything that has been suggested by those with mentallities such as your kind, since the year 1865. So you mentally disturbed leftists should be well aware of that although most of you probably are not or could give a shit less. After all, that is what your kind does daily without believing there should be any repercussions for such lying and dishonesty since that has become part of normal everyday life for those with ridiculous leftist ideologies such as yourself. It's called propaganda and that's what the fucked up fickle minded mentallaties of the left such as yourself are more into promoting and spreading rather than facts and truth.

    2531 Ground Radio Operator.  2nd Amphibious Assault Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, USMC, that is my unit.  You clowns have no idea what patriotism is.  More clownish word salad. "Leftist, mentally disturbed, fickle minded, liar liar pants on fire....etc", moron!  Hey dumb dumb, tell me, what repurcussion for what lies?  I thought you called me unhinged? 🤣  More of your silly little threats!  Dude you don't scare me!  All of you clowns are cowards.  Scared of anything or anyone different!  You just keep regurgitating the same dribble/word salad answer.  I'm still waiting on you facts to show how I am lying!  Oh yeah, as far as transgender, until you gain a PHD in pediatric care and psychology, who the hell do you think you are to even comment on what other people are going through.  How about you mind your own business!  You asked me before, where I stand on transgender, I stand with humanity, psycho!  Something is going on that we don't understand so since I don't have a PHD and both of my daughters were born and remain female, I can't comment.  Now as far as maga, use it how you wish but everyone else is using that ignorant slogan as the name for you trumpy morons.  Tell me, when wasn't America great?  You call yourself patriotic but your asinine slogan implies you think my country isn't great already!  We don't need an orange con-man and a troop of troglodytes you "make it great again"!  Pathetic!


  17. 4 hours ago, Nicholas said:

            It is more than obvious that you are a lying dishonest leftist since it has been more than obvious who has been trying to sexualize children in combination of promoting so called mentally disturbed ideologies of society who refer to themselves as transgender, as well as pushing and promoting such bullshit on children. It has been sorry excuses of humanity on the left who has been doing so, so go ahead and tell some more lies and be dishonest since telling lies and being dishonest rather than being truthful or factual is part of the leftist ideological agenda anyways and obviously has been for quite awhile now. As I mentioned previously, you and your kind are as full of shit as they come. There is an old saying that someone is only as good as their word, well it has been more than obvious that a majority of you so called leftists are not much good since a majority of you leftists words are mostly lies and dishonesty combined with deception.

    Really? 🤣  Tell me, instead of backing up your stance with facts you just keep writing "transgender children, transgender children.... liar, dishonest, leftist, transgender, lair, children...etc!  Hilarious!!!  Again, if I am so dishonest and a liar, then point out how and why!  Please produce facts!  Oh right, you can't because all you people do is make up crap you want to believe then just keep saying it over and over as if that will make it true...😂😂😂!  You are laughably weak minded!  Why keep spewing the same word salad over and over again?  Produce facts and show where I am lying!  Clown!

  18. 9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    If Baltimore is such a safe blue city why do you need the weapon? I don't feel the need to carry one where I live. In fact, many times when I leave my home I don't even lock it.

    I carry because of unhinged rightwing psycho's with trump bumper stickers and flags hanging off the back of their trucks, like you.  I actually have two homes in Baltimore.  1 in Mayfield (NE Baltimore City) and 1 in Guilford (Central Baltimore City).  Baltimore is safer then being in Mississippi or Texas.  Look at Maryland compared to those states.  You need to stop believing fox news!  They are proven liars!  


    The recent rise in crime is extraordinarily complex. Policymakers and the public should not jump to conclusions or expect easy answers.

    Baltimore is in the Northeast!


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  19. 9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    You said you were conservative, but now you say you are left wing? I don't think I've ever met a left wing conservative. But I have met many phonies and liars.

    How stupid are you?  🤣🤣🤣  So now I am lying about my political views...😂😂😂!  Why would I lie?  To impress you?  Dude, you are nothing!  So you're saying, unless I am a mindless slobbering maga drone, then I can't be conservative.  Yeah!!!  So, according to you, there is no such thing as conservative democrats?  So there is no internal beef between the Joe Manchin side and the AOC side of the party?  Please... what happened to you?  Where you in a bad accident?  Childhood head trama?  What???

  20. 7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    I definitely don't think a ranting, loose cannon, raving lunatic like you should be allowed to have a gun. I would be scared to death to live next door to you.

    Awwww... look at you...😂, you must have the right wing hand book on how to debate a liberal sitting in your lap as you type your nonsense.  First you try childish threats by saying liberals should be irradicated.  When tough talk doesn't work and you are asked to defend your juvenile ignorant shortsited positions, you can't so you then try to paint the other person as crazed and violent..🤣🤣🤣!  A member of the Jan 6 party, the NRA tough talk gun crazy party is calling someone else psycho...lol, now that is rich.  I'm sure your next move is to use the age old adolescent catch all come back of "I know you are but what am I"!  😂😂😂😂  Just pathetic!!!! 

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