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Everything posted by adamneve

  1. Amanda in leona's room checking out lingerie purchases and now in amandas room
  2. And leona comes back 2 minutes after A&P having lounge sex.. unless she was hearing them and waited outside the door...
  3. Amanda sits naked on Pablos face and ..he eats her out in the lounge.,,,,oh for leona to come home now
  4. Amanda cooking naked.. eating naked.. relaxing naked... her second name I guess..
  5. Ludmilla Olga..I see you checking yourself out in the rest room mirror..."Can I live here?.. could I live here?.."
  6. Amanda will not let Pablo.. touch her.. she knocks his hand away this is from the visit from Dana and Amina when Amanda and Amina were on the balcony... did Amina say something to her that caused this??
  7. Well Amanda thank you.. i definitely know how to make "Amazing Amanda's potato fritters"....
  8. Is she talking with Pablo again? this morning.. it was like antartica between them from amanda..but Pablo was so sweet to her...
  9. I thought so to NagaC.. but I turned up the volume in Leona's room...strangely couldn't hear a thing this time... perhaps it depends on how loud Amanda moans..
  10. leona comes back chatty and very animated.. looks like a new tattoo also... and puts a smile back on the face of Amanda.. laughs too.. much better..
  11. Pablo.. hugs Amanda in the kitchen veeeeeery gently daaaayum so sweet .. so nice.. but whatever it is Amanda not in the best of moods.. cleans up as usual.. then retreats to the bedroom..
  12. Now... I think Danaya would have stayed, but Amina dresses to go.... who made her boss??
  13. Amanda storms out.. not sure if she was on her phone.. got some bad new!!!!.. whoa.. no doubt Pablo will do his calming act when she returns...in fact hes going out after her.. its very late...
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