Is this where I confess my sins and poor judgement? Yup, I took the bait and forked over $30 for a month. I swore I wouldn't, but I just got curious. Man, has RLC got lame or what? What a joke. The drama with Alma is kind of interesting and I did enjoy a couple of her awesome lady jack-offs. Isabel and Marco still put on a good show for a minute or two and Paul & Leora finally got around to playing hide the weenie. I can't seem to time Mayla and Alina right, but those two new places are the biggest joke I've ever seen. It sure aint the good old RLC. Guess I'll lurk around the rest of my paid time and cancel again. Dumb ass that I am, maybe I'll learn some day. I don't even dare to record and post any more. My best advice to those that might be considering paying: DON'T DO IT! Sure wish ol "Whats Her Guts" (Tay) would get her site up and running.