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Status Replies posted by Yury

  1. i love post with magnetics pads? VIDEO?

    1. Yury


      I did not record the video. I made a screenshot when viewing video from the archive using the time line.

  2. Hello

    How are you yury,

    you have a recital,

    petra full videos archive,

    please send it to me.

    1. Yury


      Honestly, I do not know. Try to ask in the VV thread.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3.  Hello Yury


    guests videos please  


    1. Yury


      VHTV restrict posting videos. They ask only publish photos and gif and in small quantities.

  4. Hello

    How are you yury,

    you have a recital,

    petra full videos archive,

    please send it to me.

    1. Yury


      Unfortunately I do not  left an archive VV including Petra records.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Send
    1. Yury


      I do not have a new video of Petra.

  6. Erton

    Erton    Yury

    Grand merci pour ton travail.     ::)

    1. Yury


      It's my pleasure. 

  7. Hi Yury,  just wanted you to know I am now following you.

    1. Yury


      On the old forum my reputation was much better ...::)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hi Yury,  just wanted you to know I am now following you.

  9. Hi Yury,  just wanted you to know I am now following you.

  10. Hi Yury,  just wanted you to know I am now following you.

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