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Everything posted by dennisjf12

  1. Why should Petra sleep in the kitchen, the couch will sleep two
  2. There is sound you just recorded over it.
  3. If I could I would, but can't
  4. Petra will not be home this weekend, she never is
  5. Maybe somebody can make a video for me
  6. There both in petras bed room
  7. lets see what they are doing by the time the night is over
  8. we got 4 people in one bed with an extra blanket
  9. I do not wont two lose them to Sophia
  10. They can sleep in the kitchen, it will sleep two
  11. did they leave togeather
  12. Ha first guy, it's a start
  13. She has a job during the day
  14. New guy at Tula, looks like a friend of Ann
  15. tula sex on kitchen table
  16. Don't know about how long she will stay, don't know if anybody knows that answer.
  17. Don't know about how long she will stay, don't know if anybody knows that answer.
  18. If you mean did Petra tell me Ann's name, the answer is yes
  19. The new girl at Tula her name is Ann.
  20. The new girl at Tula her name is Ann.
  21. May be I could get in for free,and take turns taking care of Petra and the new girl, nice thought
  22. Anybody know where Anna is gone to have not seen her all day
  23. Give them time, they have a big job ! LOL
  24. Watch the new girl at night, she sleeps with no blankets on, and has a nice body, she sleeps naked, still have not been able to find out her name, but have not given up.
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