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Everything posted by dennisjf12

  1. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    trying to find whit site petera is on know
  2. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Re: Posted Sunday at 2:57 PM, people in the picture, I thought this was Jacqueline and Akira, or am I missing something, if so I missed something again, I am getting good at that. To everybody there owen, But I can't see what anybody would see in him ? Thank you Dennis
  3. Re: Posted Friday at 9:46 PM, picture, the guy setting facing us, also set on Petra's left, is this val,? or who is he, this is Petra's new friend, he has coming to sleep with her every Friday or Saturday night, for a month or more, he works during the week, I am looking for a video of him and Petra and him haveing sex, if someone can give me a link of recording, Or if someone can record a video of them for me ?, Since I am only a free member, I can not do it myself Thank you Dennis
  4. Is Val, Petra's new friend that can only come over on weekends
  5. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Re: my post, last part about me, disregard post about me, I am still getting in trouble for posts and looking at thing I should not be looking at, need to keep eyes and mouth closed, FaceBook.com, did not know other could see what I was looking at, sorry if anybody took a fence to my posts here, head is still not on right yet, sorry, still having a hard time, my typing still bad, sometimes I think, I need to stay away from all this, sorry for posting my problems on you guys, Dennis,
  6. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Seems to be Sonya mostly only needs shots during weekends, still unknown what kind of sickness, sometimes she needs shots in both arms, ?
  7. I wish the video links lasted longer, seems like by the time I find them, the links don't work anymore
  8. If I ever found a place like VV, that would let me in, they would not even have to pay me, I would fuck them till my dick fell off or die happy, Oh well no such luck, I will just have to use my hand, or die unhappy.
  9. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    RE: I see Akira is back huddled over a laptop. Before he left recently. Did not know that he had left, thought he was still doing updates to the software, I guess when you find naked women running around, it's hard to leave a good thing, I only wish I had half the chance, I would like get next to Petra, being 4500 miles away doesn't help, especially when you have problems with the wife. Sorry my problem not yours.
  10. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Thank for the help, Dennis
  11. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Trying to find Wedding video for Sonya & Ivor, I know it's on vk.com, can anybody help me Please
  12. Everybody complains about Petra, but something is needed, she is the one that needs to do dirty work, and that not getting a guy for herself
  13. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Sonya is Sick, she is not using drugs, Ivo had been trained on how to give her shots, unknown what she has, or how long she will need the shots, so please do not think she is using druges
  14. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    did anybody see what just happened: about 8: 55 there time, is she doing drugs, shout up in the arm
  15. I give up because the page changed on me, and have all most a hole page of what I have wrought I hate it site I only want to talk in private anougher this this site not have, You think you had it bad I had it wose and no friends and no one to talk to and in a couple days will going through major surgery, and be admitting myself into a psych ward and be mostly by myself and because we are both SSD have very little money, So you thing you had it bad,

  16. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Again I missed everything, I tried to to get on Bongacams & seventeenlive, nether place was I able to talk to her, Bongacams was not I was not able even see her, I did notice on seventeenlive, she was using a lot better video cam may be even 4k. look at the difference between the first and second picture, increas the picture size and notice how sharp the second picture is. I gain I ask did anyone say anything to Petra about me, she is not happy about something and has returned all the email I have sent her and has not returned any that I have sent, but I do think I saw her reading, I have no idea what I did, but surgery is monday morning, and the Lord will willing, I hope to leave Affinity Hospital by wednesday and hope to admit myself To Saint Thomas Hospital, Akron, Ohio for extreme depression, if I do not get this depression fixed, it will kill me. I need to know what I did, I gain I ask did anyone say anything to Petra about me, she is not happy about something and has returned all the email I have sent her and has not returned any that I have sent I have trying to find help with the bills through https://www.gofundme.com/Dennis-Friedman, but as yet have of only been given $50 and this bill could go over $4000, this is money Do not have, If not aloud to go as planed.
  17. I can not take online, will not send me an email, I will bite

  18. I will keep Prince, He does not talk back to you, and always gives kiss's when I get home, weather I am gone 5 minutes or 5 day, and always wants to play, go for walks, (I think he has how to learn'd how to spell) and go for rides, and even go home, He barks very little, but shore can talk, was born on my dad's birthday, I would not trade, or sell at any price.
  19. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Do you have paid membership at the tver house, can you answer my question, about the bathroom lites. I have no idea, did you say anything to her about me ??
  20. My Dog is Prince, a purebred oversize siberian husky last weight about 70 lbs and about 41/2 years old and was born on my dad's birthday
  21. All I know is Tver is moving, unknown what day, But I am watch Tver know and Petra is very busy cleaning and or pack the apartment, tver was never never built for living in
  22. Sorry, please explain what is new software ? Voyeur-Villa is this paid members only, or here software for here, I am in the dark about this, Sorry, I am out of the lope on this, with me still being new here, and slow, it seems there so much I don't ? Sorry to be such a pain in the b.word, Dennis
  23. About Me My height is 5' 6", My is 267 lbs, have lost 35 lbs in the last 18 months, but this last month my weight is going the wrong way, up, and my age is 61. I like camping, working on my family tree, on my father side I am 100 % German, and came to the USA in 1832, with the help of friends, I have may Friedman (nn) family tree back to 1550 in Baden, Baden Germany. On March 21, 2016 I am having a total right knee replacement, the left side was about done, about Nov 10th, 2013, the end of 2010, I had my lower back fused L3, L4 and L5. Now for bad part, I am classified as having extreme depression, and am getting worse every year, I have planed my suicide 3 time, but have never acted on them, and I know that if things do not change, I will eventually kill myself, every year it gets worse, I do not like what is coming, because of my work on my family tree, I have traced the mental problems all the back to at least Grandfather on my dad's side, all or most of my Grandfather's brothers and sisters were affected, my dad has not had the problems, but has Dementia and my mom has Alzheimer's, my middle younger brother's mental problems are different, but he has had his for 20 to 30 years. all or most of my dad's brother and sister were affected, my father's brother, his family/children the oldest is about my age, all or most of them are affected, My wife and I, do not have children she had three miscarriage, after the second I had thought we had agreed that if lost the third one, she would have her tubes tied, because I was not willing see how many children she lost before she went over the edge mentally, we got married so late, and I was 5 years older than her, and did not care if we had children, she still hold this against me, she did not know that I did not care if we had no children. know married almost 30 year, I am not happy in our marriage, and if things do not change, I will be asking for divorce, I am not willing spend the rest of my life like this, I have a very special person, living in Poland that I love and would Marry, but I know this will never happen, or will ever be able to meet, but the thought going without her is almost to much to much to bear, if you are ready this you will know who you are, Sorry, March 10, 2016. Update March 13, 2016 My in his mental problem, He believes that the attacks that on Sept. 11, 2001 of the two World Trade Center Disasters in New York, USA, was done by the government of The USA. He believes, he has no mental sickness. In a way his mental sickness is beater then what I have, because he believes that he is not sick. I believe that my mental sickness, although different from what he has because, I have the curse of knowing that I am sick, but can not do nothing about it, but take my pills that are not working.
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