i agree mate the little animal is to scared to walk probably thinks she hit him again WTF its pissed me off now RLC get rid of them cruel cunts out of the flat.
i tell you some thing she wouldn't hit my dog like that he's a Staffordshire bull terrier he would rip her fucking arm off i bet if they had a dog like that they wouldn't dare to hit him like she was hitting that poor animal he would bite back >:(
the poor dog is still shaking poor little thing i wish i was there i would bring him home with me and that bitch keeps hitting him and the boyfriend just sits there fucking arsehole he fucking needs a punch straight in the fucking teeth and if i was female a would kick the shit out of her RLC should do something about it cruel fucks.
hi Everyone just to let u all know the that Isabel is one fucking cruel bitch all the poor dog was doing was licking her i think then she started hitting the poor animal the poor little thing is shakeing like a leaf it happened about 5 mins ago and that boyfriend of hers just sat there and watched im beginning to dislike both of them what a fucking bitch some body should report her to animal welfare if you read this now go and see for your selfs in the living room right now sorry i hate cruelty to animals.
now all he's doing is creeping to her fucking hell why doesn't that girl just kick him out and get someone better would love to know what they talk about does any one speak Russian on this site can translate what they were arguing about post in and let me know would be interested to know.
he tries to kiss her then puts his hands all over her she pushes him off what a prick she going in the living room to sleep and she is crying i really want to beat the fuck out of him he is a total fucking dickhead.
Leora and Paul are arguing in the bedroom right now he is such a prick looks like all he wants is sex wish i was there i would kick the cunt in the head.