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Everything posted by tcelez

  1. Aw damn :( I was hoping they would have left. Yea, she looks good but the way they both act makes them not so desirable. Just like if you were at someones house and an argument erupted, you feel uncomfortable watching it.
  2. I have not seen them in a while. The bedroom light stays on and the apt stays dark. Did they finally leave? Vacation? A break from the cams?
  3. WTF!!!!! RLC should consider a replacement for Marcelo. Bring in a new cock for Isabel or replace them both. They have another big fight, with threats, crying, drama, and now act like nothing ever happened. This has gotten real old, real fast. My opinion.
  4. Okay. Maybe that's what I missed. It had to do with something with the police.
  5. I logged on as the people were playing peace makers. I believe this is leading to the end. They not talking like in the past where they would come back and have a make up fuck. This is more serious. Marcelo said it was her fault it is over. The people asked her why they are living there with the cameras and Isabel said she has no where else but the the street. She also said something to the effect of this is some kind of opportunity for her for something. I know some what of the Spanish they are speaking, but I only know Mexican Spanish. A different dialect. The guy told Marcelo to quiet down when Marcelo started to argue with Isabel again. He said to Marcelo not to say something he's going to regret. Isabel said she is tired of putting up with something but I could hear her well with her back turned to the cam. Marcelo told her to say that in front of the police to see what happens to her. Too bad I missed most of it.
  6. Paul has to be gay. She is laying on the couch naked waiting for sex and this guy is more interested in the freaking computer. RLC needs to hire another guy to work with Leora. My girl and I have been together for 11 years and it does get to a point where it's not a big deal to see her walk around naked. BUT when she takes her top off for a massage, we still have sex at the end. Hire someone else for her!
  7. It's a hit and miss with me. Cam don't work half the time and if they do come on, they freeze uite often. Anyone else having the same problem?
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