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Posts posted by mikeusa

  1. 46 minutes ago, Benfold said:

    Yury has kindly translated the girl's conversation this morning, after their late night out. Translated from Russian some parts do not read very well so i have re-written parts of this for clarity. 

    "At the beginning of the video Ilona says that she no longer wants to go there [the location of the party] Irma says that they will no longer go out with her. Ilona says that this person is inadequate. As Yury understands it, they're talking about a girl, their mutual acquaintance, with whom they were at the party. 

    Ilona said, "in this dress they have taken for..." (does not finish phrase). Irma says that the reaction of surrounding people would have been different if they were with normal people. Ilona says that the guys grabbed her by the hands and it shocked her. [Yury, correct me if I have misunderstood this section]

    It is difficult to understand the meaning of the conversation. As both girls were together throughout the evening they can talk about the events without explicitly stating them. In Yury's words, "They understand each other with half a word and therefore keep back many phrases."

    [General meaning of conversation:]

    Irma and Ilona with their friends were at some club. Apparently this group of girls have a not very good reputation. One of them (her name Svetlana), appears to be a prostitute (and lesbian). Irma drank and flirted with Svetlana frivolously. Irma was joking, just drunken fun, and thought that Svetlana was joking too. Svetlana took it seriously and began to molest Irma directly in the club. She tried to kiss Irma and offered her money for sex. Ilona did not intervene as she felt that Irma had brought it upon herself by flirting with the girl. 

    In all, the girls did not have a good experience at the party.

    Ilona said that Irma must not drink. Irma says that she does a lot of stupid things even whilst sober." [Again, I have changed this section for clarity so Yury please correct me if I have misunderstood]

    Ilona said that Svetlana could fuck Irma directly in the club. Irma said - well and let. Ilona said: "You do not love it." [This section does not translate to English well, the first sentence can be interpreted in several ways and 'Well and let' does not me sense after translation, Yury can you clarify at all?]

    This indirectly confirms that Irma is not a lesbian and furthermore, as Yury understands it, she does not like lesbian sex. 

    So it is unlikely that our yours expectations are met. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:"

    Thanks and credit and much love to Yury for his time and help. Of course I already knew that Irma does not like lesbian sex as after I had sex with her for the first time she swore off girls for life and promised to only shag me for the rest of her life :cool:

    thank you ben and yury

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Bonnie said:

    Lola Irma and Ilona are going to a guy house. Don't think they be using there toy tonight by what was being said.

    yep you right Ilona is goin to see mike69 lola is going to fuck beaver67  brains out Irma and benfold going have same hardcore sex and polya and I and Dayana are going to have a three way LMAO :biggrin::heart::biggrin:

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