I dunno who is he
but everybody get somewhat nervous!!!
Sabrina stuck in the kitchen and don't want to leave
Carina kept in and out for no reason
the guy himself looks like uncomfortable with been there and he acts weird
what is going on!!?
you have just said (( regardless of the fact that he might be related to her? ))
meaning that you are not sure!!!
(( he might be related to her? ))
which possibly could also mean that ((he might not be related to her:!!!! )) :yes:
Ok guys
Let me express my frustrations and confusions regarding this triangle
i donno what cultures or backgrounds they came from but it sounds like they don't have any shame to express thier feelings !!
this guest in particular, no matter what is his real relation to Suzan or to Hector, is going to have sex with this lady sooner or later!!
and it looks - so far - that hector is gonna do nothing if he finds out!! :idk: