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Everything posted by happyman88

  1. I've been hoping that pic of Carolina would appear eventually and so it has. Kool you're a star, thanks very much
  2. Thanks Kitek, a possible revealing aspect of Melissa's character
  3. Thanks for the feedback; it's good to get other people's opinions in positive discussion. In summary then it would appear the general consensus is that the girls like to watch themselves dancing in the night darkened mirrored doors and there is no hidden camera for 3rd party exploits, so the girls would be dancing for us and not an outside broadcast. I guess this watching yourself dancing is a girlie thing and not a Carly Simon vanity issue then, lol. If I cast my mind back many moons, I can recall my daughters having their pals round and all dancing in their bedroom so yes I guess it kind of makes sense. I still believe though that last night Rebecca was forcing herself to do the show and why start at the stroke of 3 a.m. and lasting for the one hour; that is not real life but a commitment. As a footnote I noticed that when the three of them went out earlier, Belle was looking hot - too hot to handle and Jasmin changed her bra for one not much more than a string at the back and cups that hardly contained her titties so I wonder where they are going and then what she was looking for in all her drawers, cupboards and suitcases. Maybe she hasn't been paid by RLC for the end of the month so hopefully it was for money to chip in for a party tonight and meet up with Lara and Melissa who hasn't had a welcome party yet or is that wishful thinking
  4. Here's a question I'd like to put to the forum re: Rebecca's sham dance last night. It was clear to me from her actions that Jasmin put it to Rebecca that if she was going to perform her dance routine later then to keep the living room door closed which is a fair enough request. Sure enough she had a shower then started her performance on the hour, as has become customary at 03.00 and the "show" lasted for just over an hour which has become the norm so it had to be pre-planned. Now the bit that has me baffled. The short see through dress was superb and left nothing to the imagination but throughout the routine she looked totally bored just like girls one sees in hostess bars that are just going through the motions and filling in their allocated time slot. During the routine she kept going into her bedroom to check her laptop so was she connected to her webcam site as well? She was dancing most of the time facing the french doors onto the balcony just as Lola and all the rest have dome since b-2 opened. Initially I thought they were dancing to turn on the neighbours but that balcony faces a main busy highway and the Mediterranean Sea not like the kitchen where the neighbours get a free view of the girls in all their wonderful and occasional nudity. So the conundrum for me is who is she dancing for and why but whatever is going on it's not reallife as far as I'm concerned. I would accept that Belle performs for us since it is far more spontaneous and she doesn't play solely to the balcony side - she's all over the place and so excitable she's hard to keep up with! Could there be another monitor that we can't see on the wall next to the tv which they perform to another external site and/or could it be connected with her webcam site? I don't know, it's got me foxed - any suggestions from anyone? P.S. a note to our Moderators, please don't delete this. I'm not trying to pry into their private lives since this is all going on within the apartment so I don't think I'm breaking the rules just trying to figure out what is going on. Thanks
  5. Did you notice how very happy Jasmin was looking. Nice to see them all getting on with each other. I wonder if they have gone to a local bar Friday night happy hour and there could be Halloween parties tonight as well. Hopefully they will be even more happy when they get home and happy pissed ready for some spooky fun
  6. How right you are BB and much the same went for Maggie in her day and she was a grocer's daughter LOL
  7. Thanks Kitek; I've just found your last translation re: Jasmin/Rebecca and I guess it answers a few questions about her conduct in the apartment. It would suggest to me that her bf does have a hold on her so maybe the reason she goes to sleep topless and displays some openness while sleeping is her way of "innocently" keeping RLC happy from a contractual point of view. It also makes me wonder if the adverts they respond to in Ukraine are sufficiently detailed in what is expected of them and when they get here it is a shock to them when they see how the other girls behave? I know Rebecca had a strong catalyst that made her change her ways big time and rebel from her bf's grips during the orgy and she appears more open this time around so who knows what it would take to change Jasmin. She arrived at b-1 on 10th October so if she stays for a month then we have another 10 days of enjoying her beauty so let's hope there's something round the corner that will release the shackles.
  8. "..... and the faithful shall be rewarded" and so we were with a stunning performance from the Belle of the ball. Patience is a virtue and the good things will turn up when you least expect them. Thanks honey for last night - you rarely let us down and of course Rebecca we can't forget you as well, after all it takes two to tango
  9. Sounds like a fair deal to me as long as it's not playing computer games
  10. We can all dream my friend; as long as there is no bearded apparition ready to slip one up Becca when she is on all fours lapping away at Belle's delightful derriere.
  11. I sincerely hope not BB not Kitty, she's wired to the moon! Each time I've seen her she is screaming abuse at her so called bf although it looks like she does enjoy a good rogering and she does have a meaty pussy but to mix with the other girls, I would reserve opinion on that one
  12. You're right Des, it pays to stay the course and like a bad penny it will turn up again some day. We've seen it all before and for the past week of low key activities it's been a welcome and chance for me to catch up on some neglected work and sleep. The witch has left b-1 so this could be the start of the new dawn there when the next girl arrives; Belle is like a coiled spring and will explode into action with the right encouragement and I still hold faith in Jasmin delivering some nice surprises, hopefully with Rebecca and it wasn't so long ago that we thought that Rebecca herself was under the control of her bf and then look what happened. I'm happy to play the waiting game and keep the batteries charged for the many sleepless nights that are not too far away
  13. I'm puzzled by the behaviour of Lara and Belle. I thought that Lara was supposed to be the friend that Belle was expecting last week but when it comes to bed time they don't sleep together and even at the weekend when Belle threw caution to the wind and was doing her open crotch dancing, Lara kept well out the way and it appeared Belle made no attempt to get her involved. Eben now Lara is on the couch and Belle hides herself away in her room. At least Rebecca and Jasmin appear to be getting closer with Jasmin, to my eyes making more of the running. It will be interesting to see how this progresses when Jas has finished her monthly curse and is free of all constraints.
  14. ha ha yes you're right there Mikey but in rural jock land the only clubs around here are the pensioners clubs and they're shut already! Nah I'll see what they do then play it by ear. If they do go out then I'd expect them home by around 02.00 to 03.00. These girls are young so wouldn't expect them to do the clubs that Lola, Polya and co. frequented until the sun came up.
  15. Without wishing to be the bearer of doom and gloom, there's always the downside possibility that these four super clean bodies might just decide to clubbing tonight, after all it is Friday and loads of places to go in Barcelona. It could be a long night waiting for them to come home if that does happen
  16. That's good, seeing as they all know each other they might be playing happy families tonight. Belle had a shower and a good shave down this morning and Rebecca is having one just now so who knows a bit of good clean fun tonight?
  17. Well there you go, you live and learn. Didn't even know Angelina Jolie had one the same. I've been enlightened, thanks
  18. I think the last one could reflect her style: On douchey guys/gals who are more on an "alternative rock" vibe, it's the Friday the 13th thing. Still guess we'd better wait for BB to get the verdict Lol
  19. Some pretty powerful stuff found here. What suits Belle best do you think? Meanings of the tattoo XIII The 13th letter of the alphabet is M . In outlaw biker culture a tatt or patch of the #13 usually means drugs as in Meth or Pot. RUBs and the like often say it stands for Motorcycle. A tattooist gets a number 13 tattooed on them once they've been in the business for 13years and it’s a great mark of respect when a tattooist has earnt the right to wear the number 13. Friday the 13th was originally the day of good luck not bad luck. Traditional tattoo symbols have kind of lost their meaning, and a certain symbol can mean almost anything. 13 can mean bad luck, it can be associated with the gang MS-13, or it could just be their lucky number. The 13th letter of the alphabet is M and it is used by the Mexican Mafia, which is often called "La Eme," -which, of course means 'The M'. It is a VERY tough, violent and powerful gang. However any genuine member of La Eme is not someone to mess with in ANY way. EVER On a cholo it means they are Sureños (outside branch of La Eme). Often as roman numerals XIII Note: since 13 stands for 'M' some punks wear it to show that they smoke marijuana. On douchey guys/gals who are more on an "alternative rock" vibe, it's the Friday the 13th thing.
  20. True, 13 is a lucky number for some just as 8 is for the Chinese but i wonder why she has done it in roman numerals. Intriguing, I'll have to google it
  21. Can anyone tell me the significance of XIII tattooed on belle's shoulder
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