I spent so much time watching Leora because of her beauty, often bating and her ass. She has a great small ass.
I wasted so much time watching Leora, Danaya and Adele hoping something would happen. That apartment to me is the fakest one on RLC. They walk around naked and half naked just to get streams. They never bate or have sex with eachother or guys. That screams fake to me and I'm mad I wasted my time hoping I would at least see one bate session.
I think that Masha and Sasha are the most realistic of all the current apartments and Masha has a wonderful ass. I like asses of all kinds. I'm mad that I'm just realizing how amazing Masha is. I think it's real life even though she walks around in thongs and bates often. My last friend with benefits would walk around my house in thongs, g strings, topless with yoga pants on and no panties. She would wear whatever i was in the mood for while she was at my house. She also bated a lot and so did I. We'd bate naked beside eachother. Masha is plainly awesome and again has a great ass. This is my tribute to Masha.