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Posts posted by Neggbaroned44

  1. il y a 6 minutes, Sergio a dit :

    Gina and the twins after their last stay canceled their instagram profiles, I don't know what happened

    Perhaps, the Insta account is seasonal with the stay in Barcelona. wait until next winter, to check if they have finished with this project. never say again never again said the sage.

    Gina who visits stella is friendship.

    After Gina and the twins, he is a tall blonde (B4-B1) I would like to hear from. .

  2. il y a 2 minutes, charliefoxx69 a dit :

    This moment is why I sub to RLC.

    Karla dressed sitting in a chair in the kitchen area having a chat. It's the little moments that escape many but are memorable to me in the long run.

    Often, some forget that these women are people with lives that stretch beyond, far beyond what we are exposed to. 

    Here there is no dead space. It's all streamed some what live around the world for others to take in. 



    B4 c'est Ariela sur une chaise dans la cuisine. 

  3. il y a 4 minutes, dontgetnone a dit :

    Did you look close at what transpired between Ariela and Chris?  Go to 200% if you need to.  I didn't just invent it.  It happened just the way I said. 

    Je confirme, j'ai vu la même situation que vous. Ariela n'était pas d'accord aux doigts insérés.

    I confirm, I saw the same situation as you. Ariela did not agree with the inserted fingers.

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