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Posts posted by kris66

  1. 1 minute ago, menouscope2015 said:

    Don't worry my friend. His Highness kris66 is the ONLY ONE HERE who is ALWAYS right !  Any other comment, if His Highness disagrees, you will have his "nice" response !  I'm used to it !  

    Yes when it comes to you and your nutter friends I am right! You are all a bunch of hateful psychos who sit here and spit out venom and wild theories based on nothing but thin air and blown up egos.

    • Haha 2
    • Sad 1
  2. 43 minutes ago, wafercop said:

    If I didn't misinterpret, he asked what it was like with Wolf she said something back does not know what but seemed like he wanted to help her with Wolf. Could it be so that Max accepted he has nothing to pick up at Karma but more as a friend

    Thank you. Finally someone with a right mind here and not some far-fetched theories spinned out from a twisted mind or hatred 🙂

  3. 6 minutes ago, Murfy said:

    What are u talking about man.  He, Sara, and Nadia all had sex last week and they had a fight because he had to take pills.  He blamed it on Sara and her dirty sheets.  So he himself said he had an issue downstairs.  As for the HIV thing, i never said he had it.  In America they have commercials saying you can still have a full and healthy sex life even when u have HIV, all u gotta do is take a pill.  Any more “proof” you need or did I explain it well enough Kris?

    God damn these forums are getting even worse by the day. The amount of "I think" here and wild far-fetched theories from certain people here is extreme.

    Come on I dare you. Post the proof here now 😉

    • Upvote 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, cylinderopuntia said:

    You have certainly already seen that Bogdan gives the new tenant an envelope with 50 Euroscheinen

    I have been part of RLC as a viewer for years and giving the girls money is nothing new or weird. They are on the payroll of RLC (the whole concept is that they get paid to be on cam 24/7). Why do you think they are there if not for money? And since many of them do not have a bank account in Spain they get cash from the Manager in Spain BOGDAN.  Are we clear and over with your conspirachy theories now?

  5. 1 minute ago, Murfy said:

    Cats out of the bag tho.  Gonna be a sad look for the next B4 girl that sleeps with him (there will be one…. Gotta get those clicks) knowing that he got a dirty dick.  But hey, they got a drug now u can take and have sex even with HIV, just look at the commercials.🤣

    Do you have proof that he's got "a dirty dick" or that anyone got HIV as you suggest? Or are you just making up stories to feed your stupidity or your hatred towards him?

  6. 26 minutes ago, Lasse said:

    I think by now it is clear that Massi has got restrictions! I guess Bogdan gave him one chans to better or he gets kicked out.Meaning he is not allowed to visit B4 at random times. I hope the girls will start locking the kitchen doors at night to make it imperative to use the main door. Wolf also sneeks in through the kitchen!

    Give us some proof dude. I listened to the conversation between Bogdan and Massimo and there was nothing whatsoever indicating what you suggest.  Again a far-fetched theory by one of the "tin-foil" members here. 

    • Haha 2
  7. 5 minutes ago, northguy said:

    They did a lot of sessions, now easy to find on sex sites.

    Maybe but I don't care ha ha 🙂  The sex is not my main goal to be here even though I have zero problems with sex between any of the participants and have a good laugh when they go all in (drugs or no drugs).  I like the interaction part and the observing part (without jumping to conclusions as I got zero clue most of the time).

  8. 2 minutes ago, northguy said:

    I find Wolf-Karma rather hard to understand.

    Are they playing mind games or what.

    Their relationship is for me very strange.

    I got no clue whatsoever. I do find it sad that some laugh and mock him for his "possible" problem with getting an erection as it could happen to anyone at anytime in these forums (excluded are the few women). As for his personality all I have seen is a man who is respectful towards the girls and is liked by the girls - also as a confidant.

  9. 17 minutes ago, wafercop said:

    Thank you if I had more time, I would have tried to translate more if there is something that you think may be interesting so leaving time and where

    I totally get why you would hessitate translation as some individuals here will never admit they got no clue and accuse you of not translating it right.   If I find somehting I really need to know I'll message you if it's ok? 🙂

    • Like 3
  10. 8 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

    wafer and co are not here to translate everything that is important in our eyes and in reality is just small talk, even if you misunderstand something it is still more helpful than what we speculate here so if you learn something interesting we will see if you want to share it with us or not that is your decision

    There is a difference in talking objective about the people based on the facts we actually get instead of going out on a rambling frency theory where the aim is to bullly or ridicule certain people in the project based on pure wild speculations and especially hatred or jealousy. It's not pretty and I find it obnoxious and extremely sickening when people make up stories about the people in the project just because they don't like them in one way or another.
    I miss people would admit when they know nothing instead of their instant crazy ramblings about what they think is reality.

    PS! I did write earlier about what was said at the terarce between Bogdan and Massimo. The parts I could hear. I am sure there will be some here that just do not accept what was said 😉

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