JoJo you're right. seem not a vacation.
second part. (The sound of RLC is bad in most apartments)
Gia seems calm.
Ian says something you do not hear screams and Gia.
Ian says crazy. not hear.
Gia wants to leave.
Ian tries to stop you, (Guisela, do not go), but Gia insults.
vague, useless, addicted to pornography and worse.
Gia while packing, is gradually subsiding.
Now that this is Ian nervous. It comes and goes, not knowing how to act.
Ian is dressed to go out.
Gia saw him, he said to be capable of losing everything for a fight.
Gia cries. Terrible sound, not understood.
Gia has nowhere to go, they start to talk in peace.
Gia says he does not love her. Ian says yes he loves.
Ian phoned his mother but did not talk to him.
Talk to someone and says he is in Barcelona.
Gia and Ian dodging cameras and microphones as they speak.
Ian says to wait 28 days to ....
desire to understand my Googlish