Lack of money seems the trigger for this situation.
Katrina hates Eugeni lot, having to prostitute themselves.
Eugeni not embarrassed, on the contrary.
I had not noticed the flowers, to approach her.
Eugeni angry with Katrina, from about ten or twelve days. At night she tried to approach with caresses and Eugeni rejected. offended she desisted. This was the time when the problem started. Eugeni Many flowers need to forgive the beautiful Katrina.
JoJoGunne rightly says that Olga (Katrina) would be better off doing porn. I agree, but perhaps also does porn. A few weeks ago I commented jokingly that looked like a pornstar.
It is sexually skilled as I saw yesterday with the visitor. With Eugeni could never prove.
I love this woman. ;)
I like a few data without knowing their language and have built a history, LoL.