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Posts posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. You watch Kylie will piss Stella off and Stella will move to B2 when Angel leave.Belle like Stella. Stella done it before. Stella won't to make money and Stella was telling Kylie about what she done in B 2 and to Irma and Kylie did not won't to. Who don't won't to make money. 15 min and it would have been over with and the next day go collect your money. Kylie not to smart is she. Easy money and you get to feel good and relax.

  2. This is what i think going on in b1.Kylie was cleaning for some reason. I think that some guys brought Gina and stella home and there in the apt. My be the girls are changing there clothes and there going to leave again. It look pretty clear the girls had some sleep. So they went to there home and sleep and now returning. Also my be Rose had to go to b1 to entertain. I just taking BS again. Got nothing else to do

    • Upvote 1
  3. I DONE with RLC The girls go out & get FUCK & When They come home they are not in the mood for use. I order VV and i going to order camarads. For the price of RLC i can put 15 more dollar with it and get 2 web site. VV is not that bad i done seen a girls bate tonight and squirt and it look like 2 other girls my have sex together and last night Catlyn on  camarads had sex with a girl and that make 2 time she had sex with 2 different girls and the camera are great so for $60 i get 7 apt With girl action

    • Upvote 4
  4. I guess i am going back to VV. They have more lesbian sex. RLC has nothing but EMPTY APT and it look like Angel stop masturbating and she going out. If the new web site Camarads.com  had more apt i go there. The camera are good there

  5. Ok i got a email about the girls. Some of the girls do modeling work and some are doing porn. These company are sign up with RLC. RLC furnishes a place to stay and pay for the plane tickets and there visa just to have a girl in the apt. So the girls are making there money on the outside of the apt. These girls sign up doing work like this so they can travel and make money and RLC make there money just having girls in the apt. RLC no that people will order there web site thinking there going to be a lot of action

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