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Posts posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. One thing i can say about Poly and Nicole is they send there guy home when they get up.I think the girls are being nice to Irma by putting up with him because they like Irma. I also think Irma taking advantage of girls friendship and letting this guy hang around. He is a nut case.Don't no the reason he is there unless Irma is making a statement that she not Bi

  2. The swinger club That me and Blue went to Saturday night was couples only. Me be that why Alex was there getting them in the club. Friday was when the single guy were allowed to come in and couples. It starting to look like Irma a sugar babe. That a girls that get gifts and money just to spend some time with them with out no sex. Yes there are fool out there that will buy you a car or get you a place to live or money with out going to bed with them. All they wanted was company from a women

  3. 2 minutes ago, vortios said:

    If anyone wants, you can check between 15:25 and 15:35, you will surely check what I said.

    @vortios is right. Some one did come in b1 but they stay in the entryway so i did not see who it was.Probably one of the girl dropping some thing off or getting some thing they left in the entryway

  4. 6 minutes ago, wathou said:

    told ya an other strange maintenance where nothing changed xD 

    I can see they fix the lighting around the dinning room area and they put back the furniture and the light back in Nora room that was taking out when Stella was there and they took a night stand from Irma room and put it in Jessica room. Also i don't think Nora is leaving no time soon like RLC is saying. 

  5. I think Nicole will make 2 trip while housekeeping is getting her room ready. Also i think Irma might get Nicole room and if she does then i think Nora may be here longer then a month. A girl Skype Nicole and by the reaction Nicole had I believe that it was her friends telling her she was coming. It was when Lima was still in the apt that she got that Skype call and Nicole took it out on the balcony and the girl look like she had black hair

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