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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Lola was talking to Belle and then Lola left the apt and a few min later Belle left her apt. I think both of them are together. I call the time when they left. You just have to go back and look
  2. LMAO i am 70 years old. I guess you can say i am still old school. Also i was trying to say it nicely
  3. Well Anna and Carolina was gone about 6 hour or so and all they came back with is a few groceries. Now they are tired and they are just chillin and watching tv. This is what we are going to see more of from now on.
  4. You also head translator Lola ask the guy is that all the stuff you have and the guy said no that he had more clothes in his car that he never wear. We no this guy lie out his ass.
  5. How do i no this. Will as old as i am and as sick as my husband is we can't take our money with us when we die so we are spending it. If you guys won't to no some about the girls and what they are doing out side the apt there are private investigators that can help you get this information.
  6. All i can say is what the girls are doing out side the apt now is going to have a big effect on what go on in the apt now.Util they start getting girls in there that not going to participate in what going on out side the apt the apt are just going to get boring. I lot of you have said it seem like all the girls new this guy that Lola had there. There a reason why the girls felt comfortable around him it was for the kind of work he does & yes he is 100% still there. RLC told Lola he could not stay in the apt because of all the complaints
  7. 18:35 Belle has left the apt. Nothing going to happen tonight in this apt. It dead. The girl are out having fun my be with a Fuck Buddy. O well. That how the shit goes on RLC. The viewer get fuck ever time
  8. 17:21 Lola and stella has left the apt. This apt is dead. Nothing will happen in this apt tonight
  9. It was the night that Anna Belle and Carolina dress up in lingerie in apt 1# Carolina and Anna had been out shopping that day and came back to apt 1# with that lingerie and they also bought make up. That what was in the Kiko bags
  10. The under wear she has on is what the girls was wearing on lingerie night and also she did not take a towel. That what i saw and i have no ideal where she went i just going off of how she was dress when she left
  11. Did you just see Carolina go out on the balcony from her bed room and come back in from her bed room door. So it is a wrap around balcony
  12. Really do you see some of the couples take shower after sex. All i seen out of some of the couples they roll over and go to sleep. But you my be right Carolina my have just been out walking in her night clothes for the hell of it. Who no i just call it like i see it. No big deal
  13. Hello Been a long time. You no when i am wrong good thing happen. So let see if my good luck charm is working. Lately it been a hit and a miss
  14. Well we don't have to worry about Carolina masturbating in the apt. The way she was dress to go out tell me she got a Fuck buddy. Lola and Anna had her pretty hot last.
  15. The girls Apt is just all about teasing and nothing else. We waited over 2 years before we saw 2 girls have sex and they where under the influence at that time and it will never happen again
  16. 17:29 Carolina has left the apt and she not dress to be out in running around. She going straight to a hotel or some one apt dress like that
  17. RLC pay for there visa there plane ticket and they get a large sum of money for just signing a contract. The only requirement RLC has is the girls go around in bra and underwear and that it. The girls can make extra money for showing nudity and doing sexual activities if they choose to
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