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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Well with apt 1# we all ready now who the replacement is BUT THERE NO BODY THAT CAN REPLACE IRMA. She going to leave a big hole in our heart and it will take time to get over her
  2. You have not seen her pink vibrator or use it. You can't miss it and it sit all the time on the dresser. But now it on the back on the dresser go take a look and see what it look like. It is still in the charger and it pink and it don't look like a dildo it a new kind of vibrator
  3. Well i got 2 thing right tonight Irma did clean the tub and she did plug in her toy so now let see if Irma is going to use it tonight
  4. Yes by the way it look and what she taking it look like she going to be gone 2 or 3 days or my be a little longer
  5. Well i think we seen this before with Irma and Polya. Irma is getting ready to clean the tub and Polya and Ilone is leaving so now it time for Irma and Stella to take a bath together then they will get out and go to there separate room and masturbate just like Irma and Polya done when they left together from apt 2# that night
  6. Ilona is putting on make up on so my this is why Irma plug in her toy. My be Ilona not coming back tonight
  7. Well i looking is it not that easy to find her. There are a picture of her when she post. So i only seen two women on here that post with there picture on the post so you got to have seen her to our some one else have seen her.
  8. It was a women that come on her and it not Lynee. i don't no it i spell her name right but if i get a few min i go look and see if i can find her name. She post a lot of Photo on here and she did say where lev was but i don't remember the name
  9. Off topic. Zoya has done this before come back without LEV. From what was said He be back tomorrow or in the next few day. We see. And Also what was said that Zoya really love him and she want to be with him.And also they do a lot of skpe when he gone like this
  10. Irma left at 18:56 and Polya is getting thing together and putting stuff on the bed and also washing her hair and taking a bath
  11. It a real shame that RLC don't have Irma and Ilona do a side by side since they share the same room. I like to see some more history made like Irma and Anna made
  12. Lola took some stuff she bought and it look like she taking it back to the store to return it .I saw Lola look for the price tag and she found it and put it back on the shirt she bought and put it back in the bag it came out of and also a pair of white jeans so they my be going on a long shopping trip today. Also there one more thing it look like Lola took her passport and Anna took her i don't no what you call it but it the thing you put your phone on to take photo. It pull out in to a long stick.
  13. Also These girl use social media to help them find work. This is what Kamila has been doing & also posting. There using RLC for a foundation to get them the attention they need. This is why you only see the teasing out of most of these girl. Some of the girl you see now are not model they was just hired to make RLC money and that why you see some of these girls use toy. These girl no what they do in the apt can have a impact on there social life so that why they only go so far with the sexual activity
  14. There not doing escorts work. What they are doing is looking for clients that can get them Photo shoot in Barcelona & around the world & yes a lot of time these girls have sex with the guys in order to have there dream come true in the modeling world but some time these girls are just taking advantage of. Kamila done talk about this but so many of you have forgot what she said and i truly believe that some of you guys just don't no what really goes on in the modeling business
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