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Everything posted by CowArt

  1. Phonecall #2, voice sounded like a boy/man. Some snippets: "you can have dinner at my place" "I have some cheese and meat, you can bring a bottle of wine" "The girls will come later".
  2. If I heard her correct on the phone just now, she said that "my girls will be back", and "we will have a little party, then I go to the airport".
  3. Spot on. She kept me glued to the screen for hours. This was so much more erotic than what Michelle did last night. I think the chocolate-thing that preceeded was Jess helping build up to this, sort of like Irma did for Polya on her first dildo-session and like Polya did for Stella on her Ben Wah-balls episode. She was so very, very nervous, even checked the door several times to see if it was closed properly. Last night proved to me that Nicole is a "normal" girl, with no experience in the adult entertainment industry. She's not shy, has no problems showing herself in the shower, but this was too intimate to share with us... for now. She will get there, and I hope I'm online when she does.
  4. Sorry, but I have to correct you on this. Yes, she took a copy of her ID out of her bag, but she tore of a bit, put the part with the ID copy back in her bag. She then wrote something on the blank part of the paper (fellow was caressing her neck as she did this), folded it, and walked into the livingroom with the bit of paper in her hand. That's where I lost track of the piece of paper, too many people stood in front of cam #3 then.
  5. Goodbye Melissa, I was hoping to catch a last glimpse of you this morning, but it seems you already left in the middle of the night. You got some mixed reactions from the RLC-audience, but out of the current Barcelona girls, you were my favorite. Nothing fake about you, Melissa was always just Melissa. I will especially remember your cooking sessions, in lingerie, or in just panties and an open shirt, music playing, wiggling your butt slightly to the music. The food always looked delicious, and so did you. I'm gonna miss you girl, have a safe trip home, and good luck on whatever adventure you will go on next. Bye.
  6. I vote NO on the cam shows. I know it is real life for some people, but I believe it has no place on RLC. The only positive thing about it with the bunch of girls we have in B1 and B2 at the moment is that it is a distraction from absolutely nothing going on otherwise. I'd rather see RLC put in some effort to find girls who are fun to watch just interacting together.
  7. Nothing to add to this, very well said. I vote Melissa to stay!
  8. Looks like it, she packed it, unpacked it, took out the sim-card and packed it again. In her bag she took a pair of shorts, a shirt and a bra. Does she go out to a gym or something?
  9. Cam #10 was already just fine by itself this afternoon. It's gone pink yesterday when it switched from nightvision to normal, and was back to full colour today when it switched from nightvision to normal. That being said, maybe they did send in some techie to look at it, something wasn't right with the thing.
  10. The shirt read "The Voyeur 2" and I think it was a reference to the 1995 movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0153601/
  11. True. I watched the whole thing happen, Beardo hiding something in his hand, going to the kitchen to fetch some paper towels and a knife, taking the lot to the balcony and return with the knife and two refilled bottles. No idea what went on there, but I found the whole thing remarkable to say the least.
  12. The trouble is not with the big water bottle, but the smaller ones. Those disappeared to the balcony yesterday and reappeared mysteriously refilled. The shots they did yesterday from the tequila-glasses in the kitchen were poured from the small bottles right after they were brought back in from the balcony.
  13. Oh yeah, that's right, ever since Bill Clinton, a blowjob isn't considered a sexual act anymore...
  14. The only thing that I saw in that apt that needed fixing was Woolley MicroPenis, fixed right out the door onto the curb.
  15. To make matters even worse: Stella packed a bikini and a towel before leaving with Lola, Anna and MicroPenis, she has no intention to be back helping with the cleaning any time soon.
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