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Everything posted by odpegleg

  1. I think we watch these other girls because we like to go to strip clubs but hate the fact you will never go home with one unless you spend a hell of alot of money on her and then u dont never know. These girls might only work in a Lingerie clubs so that is why the don't get topless or naked dancing.
  2. The only real life girls or the 3K's because the lay around and do nothing. The rest of the girls are show girls.
  3. there needs to be more grabbing the tits and butts between these girls in all three apartments. we are use to seeing Irma, Jessie and Stella grabbing bootie and tits. WE WANT MORE FROM RLC!!!!!!!! for our MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. These 3 girls are all pole climber from a Russian strip club in B4 dancing and doing lap dances.
  5. No happy i would like to hear from anyone but i know Noldus would if i ask?? But no happy you are more than welcome.
  6. Take phones away from the girls so they will have conversation with others and in ENGLISH Please
  7. I was not on much yesterday and have not read back but saw that B and N was in shower with the guys but i guess NO sex was had. I saw later that the guy that Bea was with was kissing on Vic, RIGHT?? So i am kinda confuse about the situation. Noldus please explain.
  8. My script is running out soon and i do not see anything that will make me renew right now.
  9. That is a very small TV for such a large room. Looks like RLC could afford a larger TV for the girls to watch. They are raping their members for money and no shows and when there is a show, there network cannot handle the number of viewer because it lags so bad.
  10. VIC need to go -- Always on phone with BF i guess -- Need Renata or Irma back Quick!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Vic needs to stay off her phone and show more attention to Bea. With both drinking wine maybe something would happen later.
  12. maybe Diane BF is showing up and they need to go UM so she can get some. She had on some sexy bra and panties and was putting on a lot of war paint.
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