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Everything posted by Beldonn1

  1. Kami woke up almost early, took appointments on the phone and went back to sleep. What I gather now is that yesterday was for Kami the first day of rehearsal of a ballet called "The russian Hamlet" (a russian equivalent of the Shakespeare play based on russian history ), which will be on stage the 16th and 17th of July in Moscow's Bolshoi theatre. Kami was happy but tired and excited, maybe they made her work too hard...
  2. it can only be another girl, no man is patient enough to listen to her so much... Could be her mother, very talkative too. Anyway she was pleased with the Bolshoi show she was in tonight, but still a bit frustrated and I didn't get the reason.
  3. No, fashion models don't have gigs every day. Kami can have work for a few days in a week, rarely nothing. They often travel, they went to Dubai mostly or Abu Dhabi, or Hong Kong, Turkey last time for Kami. Yula was in Greece these last days. The gigs are often late in the day. A part of the work is to getting work, so they published photos of them on their social media, go to bars, concerts, shows, to get better known. Of course, RLC is a source of income for them, but Kami seems to have some good money with her work - and they don't pay any rent, electricity, water, internet...
  4. It is a ballet, but a part of it is theater and played by non-dancers, Kami is one of those. It's more a Broadway show than anything else. Kami wants to be an actress, so that's a beginning for her.
  5. Yula is a very good friend of Kami, she is the one sleeping in her bed now. She is a fashion model too. This apartment is interesting if you can know what the girls are talking about and what they are doing outside. I don't understand enough russian to get it all, but they repeat themselves a lot so after a moment I can get it. Kitek, who really understand russian, was doing this work but he seemingly gave up unfortunately. For me, this is the only interesting apartment as things are changing constantly, the girls have an interesting life, full of passion and emotion.
  6. Today is the big day for Kami, the opening of her ballet. Till yesterday, she was still hesitating between a wig or cutting her hair short. Eventually, once with Yula in her bedroom, she firmly decided herself for wearing a wig during the show and having a skull massage to improve her hair quality. So she went to bed happy after physically training herself a bit, helped by Yula. Kami is the queen of ups and downs, changing mood very quicky, seeming totally at lost when anything is going wrong from stomach ache to bad weather. But she is very courageous, even risky, has no fear. She is living in a constant emotional stress. Kristy and Yula know how to deal with her, with kindness, and it is nice to watch. Otherwise Kami is planning a trip, thinking of taking a bus to Trieste in Italy - she has been dreaming of a long but trip for at least a year -, and trying to improve her english listening to US bad tv soap. She won't do any tour with the Bolshoi show, which will be filmed.
  7. It doesn't seem that this Vadim is on Kami's show, but they can have a rule between them which is to keep the BF out ot their relationship. Yes, the balcony is linked to 3 rooms of Heidi, Kristy and Kami. But it is cold tonight in Moscow and the doors were closed, but she could have used her balcony, maybe Heidi's is more convenient... with shoes just by the doors, it easier.
  8. No, she is using her phone in her room all day long, and the balcony is not sound proof, it goes around the apartment No, it doesn't seem so. And there is some rules here : the girls don't talk to the other boyfriends, it has been like that with Dima and Yegor, as for the few Kristy's BF. Private life, could be, not wanting to get things mixed up.
  9. Kristy's BF, Vadim, is back. That's the first time we can see Kristy really in deep with a boy. Let's be happy for her.
  10. A long story in the shortest possible way : the register of the Bolchoi show Kami is in wanted her to look like a tomboy, with very short hair. Kami didn't know what to do, accept or not. But she has, or thought she has, hair problems, and so she went even to see a specialist who told her there were no reasons to cut them, just to get better food, normal sleep, and a skull massage.So she bought a new diet, eating protein every day, stopping with those chocolates bars she likes a lot, and getting some normal sleep, with seemingly some liquid she took last night (she went to bed early and slept like a baby) But she still wanted to cut her hair to please the register, she talked to her females friends, Yula and Katya were OK with that, some other not, she even looked at photos at what her cut should look like. Then yesterday evening, she finally strongly decided herself for the cut, it was supposed to happen today before going to the set. But Kristy wasn't ok at all. She behaved badly yesterday night, was even rude to her. So this afternoon, when Yula and Katya were away, Kami came to have a friendly talk to Kristy, who explained her that she was very stupid to cut her hair as the show is offering her to wear a wig. Kristy said she has a head as hard as the bed frame (she knocked on it) and found some article on the net to prove that there was no need for a cut with her hair problems. Very moved, very submissive, Kami finally said that she will take the wig. Those girls love each other. Then,later, after washing her hair and making her pretty, she talked to the show people, and learned that the register was supposed to have said about her that she was a "make mich". Kami didn't understand and asked an explanation, but no one was willing to give it to her. It means that the register thinks that she wants people to talk about her... An hour later, once on the set, Kami, maybe getting the answer she was asking for, posted a photo of her ass, a beautiful one taken in a swimming pool in Hong Kong, last automn. So, was is the meaning ? It could be : Man get away from my hair you can get my ass ! Or : your are an asshole... If Kitek is around and has replay, the first part, a phone call, took place at 19:10 in Kami's bedroom - cam 10 has a better sound. He knows russian far more better than I do.
  11. Yula is already back from the work she had in the greek islands and surprised Kami and Kristy seemingly terrified by the film they were watching, holding each other tightly.
  12. Kristy still in bed, sick and wounded, Kami oversleeping - more then 10 hours now after days of tension and bad nights, she must be released and happy as she was yesterday night when she came back..
  13. She usually makes her private phone calls from the restroom, but she didn't want to trouble Kristy and her BF who were sleeping. Last night, she met someone interesting, it seems, and very happy so.
  14. His name is Vadim and he is really big, something like 40 cm more than Kristy who is 1,70 m.... So make the math.
  15. 20:35 Kami left, normally dressed, like going to see normal friends and not intending to stay all night as she didn't take her extra phone battery... (That Sherlok Holmes speaking !)
  16. It's better for Kami to stay inside. Young opponents to Putin are demonstrating in Moscow and getting arrested by the police.
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