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Everything posted by Beldonn1

  1. I am quite sure now that the freaking guys work for the Bolchoi, the very old russian main opera and ballet company. The big organisation, the numerous phone calls Kami receives and gets to make, secretaries, costume maker etc. Coming back at 4:30 or so, Kami made a phone call to a lady to fix her appointment to try her scene costume. It's a bit chaotic as it is always in big production. They are planning a tour abroad too, I heard Austrian and Spain, and Kami had to check her visas. Kami already awaked and on her phone, less then 4 hours after coming back. How excited she is !
  2. 10:00 Kam already up, Yula in bed as Kristy and her friend. Kami learning english, maybe to make a tour with the show she will be in as she also checks her visas in her passport yesterday.
  3. Once she said she wanted to be a theater actress but was fearing her bad memory, which is stupid - it is just a training habit. But, yes, she could be a good actor, she is playing all day long and through her Insta. The funny part tonight, she was very shy to admit that Kristy and the other girls where right about the necessity of a wig, but then she was jumping around behind Kristy's back, too happy and relieved of all that last days' tension.
  4. She likes bad funny programs, but here she only wants to learn english. This one is easy to understand, no slang and they articulate well.
  5. Kami practising in her bedroom the dancing she has to do for the show to come. Still a bit stiff, but she is a natural born dancer, she has the sense of it.
  6. I don't know the final decision of her. Looks like she is going to modeling or to the show rehearsal as she measured herself (breast, waist and hips) maybe to make a costume. No haircut today, it seems, if there will be any... Just hope she convinced the guys to do otherwise, she got a hell of a lot messages this night and didn't go to sleep before 06 AM.
  7. You should read what RLC is about, it is not porn I think, even if some of the girls are driving in that direction. As a porn actress, Kami is not good, even if she is the only one waxing her twat and her ass legs wide apart in front of the cams. Your polls are about porn and only a few people answer it. Camcaps is not RLC, those polls have no values outside Camcaps. But if you are really interested in the lives of the tenants, their character, Kami and Kristy are far ahead as they are having an interesting life, full of passion, of surprises, of changes. They are a novel written line by line everyday. Today's drama is Kami's hair. She is offered a part in choregraphic show or film based on Shakespeare's Hamlet, but the guys doing it want her to cut her hair very short as to look as a boy. She doesn't know what to do, she wants to say yes,but her friends, girls, come to tell her not to do it, as do Kristy and Heidi, because those guys are freaks and bad. And that it would be difficult to be fashion model anymore with this kind of haircut. But she wanted to be an actress and is ready to do anything for that, even for a bad show. She argues everyday on the phone with those guys, change often position and it is difficult to guess what she will do. Yesterday she said after a talk on the phone that she wants to tell them to piss off, and Kristy answered in english : do it, do it. So, please, Thestarider, stop to focus on her, stop saying to us that Kami should go because she doesn't show enough sex. You are utterly wrong and don't do any good to the site you are supposed to manage... You should encourage members to post, not to tell them to go away because you can't stand this beautiful, sensual and nice Kami. Who is very popular on RLC,
  8. She said somewhere that she was dreaming of being there back. But she is another girl now, not adapted to what has become Barcelona.
  9. Yes, she is the one who was in Dubai with her last automn, they were very close, than Kami was deluded, but we see her from time to time. Last time, they had together with Yula a show on chaturbate together, only teasing with no sex and their clothes on...
  10. This the only place where the tenants don't look like Kami's hamster, trapped in a cage. Kami is always surprising, Kristy a whole show by herself. I won't subscribe if they were not there.
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