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Everything posted by Beldonn1

  1. It looks like the mother was telling old stories of the past- I think I heard words like facist and nazi - and that made Kami lightly crying as she is sweet and very emotional. We can understand that looking at the kind of luxuous life Kami is having, it's a big shock for her to hear how her parents and grand-parents were living just 30 years ago. Maybe the mother tried to put something in her light head. To Ridgerunner :" To me saying"You are my fairytale" is a strange comment for one woman to make another woman if they are just friends. " Well, nothing strange here, in another photo Kami wrote about her that she was her little princess. That's called over reacting... We will see if Kami brings her to the apartment... Kami left with her mother, who took all her bags, around 10:30, and went for a sunny day in Moscow. Kristy came back, took a shower and left again just before 12:00
  2. Kami came back this evening with mommy ! Welcome back, Mommy ! Mother of two girls, the older having given her two charming grand-daughters. All of them taking care of each others... That so nice and so far away from what some guys are looking after in RLC. (But some of them would like to f.. the mother too, so that's better...). But since she came back from Turkey, Kami seemed not any more interested in her guinea pig, she is not even seeing her fake boyfriend anymore, same breed it is, I think. The fake BF seemed to have found a new GF more related to him (limited and sport lover). I understand now why Kami was so fast to unpack her pink suitcase yersterday evening, as it usually takes her a week to do so : she has her mother coming ! What has she done in Turkey ? Hair implats ? Could be, or not, she seems to have an half centimer wide and 4 cm long bald space behind the left hear, I have a sreencap of it I can't post, unfortunately, and she seemed to have a minor gap than before where she parts her hair on top or her head.. But the girls didn't seem to talk about yesterday night, so I don't know for sure.
  3. 4 days for a shooting seem short for me, and the place quite wrong... Could be that the other model is doing the same thing as her, too. We will know that soon anyway.
  4. Kami is said on the site to be back the 25th, on thursday, which seems to confirm the reason of this short trip : hair surgery.
  5. Kami is in Turkey, in a place by the Bosphore, known for hair implants... Hope she doesn't do that (they seem to have talked a few times about that)
  6. Yes, but they can get out of the cage whenever they want or hisde themselves in the restroom. But that's interesting to know if they really feel like being in a cage, or even observed. What we can see is that they speak in a very low voice when they want not to be listened by us. The point is that we stopped much to talk about them on this forum and they didn't change any of their behavior. Could be that they don't even read us anymore... But I think a lof of people are watching them as the connexions get bad quite often, more than in the past.
  7. 18:30 Kristy just left for some special gathering, very well prepared, dressed and maked up. Kami lent her the watch she got from Dima. Nice, as always, how deeply they like each other, those two girls, it is sweet, deep and calm. Kami will never find a girl to replace Kristy and none of them seemed to be able to find the right guy. Maybe they just don't need any guy, as they have each other... Kami is alone in the apartment, she slept something like 14 hours last night, she was really exhausted with, yesterday, dark rings under her eyes.
  8. Mr Hamster (yes, this is the only boy in this all-girls appartment, a mujik she wrote) was first in Kam's room, but she could not sleep as he was noisy, so she put it in the kitchen ont he table but the other girls didn't like to eat near him so they put it down on the pavement and, last move toniight, Kami put it it in the hallway, so I think the last move will be to flash it in the loo... The girls are trying to do something with each other, not daring enough anyway...
  9. The black culture is something else, and I am not very pleased with that. They are very conservative too, with their money, their gold, their cars... Their color skins and their votes don't change that.
  10. Well, it sounds like that anyway... I hope I am wrong and that they respect the girls shown on RLC, not implying they are prostitutes, hostess or whatever.
  11. Don't feel lonely, I am still around. I went away because I couldn't stand those stupid pricks supporting the US clown anymore. There is a problem here : the moderators of this site are aiming at destroying it... They want it to be very dirty, very porn, very conservative, very hypocrite, when RLC is much better than that.
  12. My god, what's going on ? Noldus is sick ? I have been away for a while letting Noldus doing the hard work. But he left, him too, as Kitek obviously. So some news.... Kristy left yesterday to see her parents or lover (more the parents), Kami was with Katya and left around 10 AM with Heidi to her make-up school. Heidi dit a very great make-up job on her, the most beautiful I ever saw. Kami doesn't look like a whore, nor like a respectful wife, and she is even more beautiful : she looks like a very rich young woman or heir, which is exactly what she is aiming too, so thank you Heidi (who is at a make-up school). Kami went back early as her friend, a very close one (I think they met in Dubai last automn) came in the appartment. Usually, Kami's best friend is Yula but Yula is in Dubai, enjoying the sun. Dima also is away in some summer resort in Russia. So the girls talk and talk, they went down to fetch some strong beer, some guy went up to deliver sushis, they played with the hamster a while, sent kisses to each other, love each other again. Kami is like that : she can't stand being alone, she needs someone to share her beauty, her humanity, her numerous and little problems. She is still seeing Dima ( the fake boyfriend) a lot going to karting a few times a week with him (it is a very good way to learn how to drive well on the icy roads of Russia), to a birthday yesterday and hugging him (with photos posted by Dima) in front of everybody. Now both girls are drunk, the friend laying in the tub, Heidi came back, having fun too. So, my friends, when you are only focusing on Belle's pussy, come back to Kami and Kristy and Heidi, it is far more interesting...
  13. Yestertday I voted for a poll, following one of your post on this thread, and I looked at the poll result : Irma was first, Kami second. So during last night, Kami became one of the last, a fake news (the one you like)... Man, you have done some work !
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