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Everything posted by Beldonn1

  1. No, I've just having problems to read you as you don't use normal grammar, ponctuation, subject, verb and so on.
  2. Kami offering herself the orgasm Dima can't give her... A few seconds, that's it.
  3. Girls do that : what is his name, the australian guy leaving in the equatorian embassy in London, about a swedish girl isn't it ? Julian .Ass... Anyway we 've both seen them in the same bed and not able to fuck, so there is nothing new. She fucked to please him and him to try to get some manhood he hasn't.
  4. Dima is a fool, he certainly likes her a lot but, as I said a long time before, he is not sexually attracted to her - as she is not to him. I think that she is more in girls and him in boys... But in Russia those are difficult to live with, and even in Western developped countries - it's a suffering.
  5. Oh, I forgot : thank you Kitek. We figured out that she was again seeing Dima and was not anymore with Yegor, but the fact that Dima is not to be seen anymore in the apartment confirms that his relation with Kami is not what it used to be. Just a good friend when she needs somewhere go, an entertainment BF, like a pet mate.
  6. Dima, the lover by default, the useful idiot... Poor Kami, poor Dima - who is convinced that he will loose her for the next one, and maybe find her back... That's sad. So yesterday Kami escaped from the apartment to go to him with her hairdryer and her deodorant spray (she should not use that, it is said that you can get breast cancer). I am curious to see how the 3 girls will go along after this dreadful party...
  7. Yes. The guy was more interested by Candy. He said he was from Napoli and added later in italian that he wanted to fuck, ie Candy. The teasing Michelle jumped on this guy to protect Candy, my guess. Then, around 4 AM Candy and Michelle went to sleep in the same bed and nothing happened. The funny thing is that they gave to the boys their RLC names...
  8. You have not seen her embarrassing herself this morning in front of kami when she failed twice to make a simple backward roll... Otherwise I agree, she has a nice body, and I prefer her to a bony female dancer.
  9. Kami had a great time and she is telling Kristy. It seems she went to some casting. You seem here enthusiastic about Kristy's dancing... I am not. She is often falling, has too big ass and thighs she can't really move well. As long as she stays down on the floor she can make it, but once up it doesn't work at all, even as a gogo dancer. Won't make a dime in Vegas ! But I like her very much, anyway, and she should stick to movies.... And Kami is a better dancer too. This girl has everything...
  10. Oh, you could put the long dress on Melissa, the challenge would be the same, no change ! Kamila is doing a lot of bikinis shootings, that the proof she doesn't need to wear a lot...
  11. Kami's GF of the other day (the birthday party) just came in and both seemingly ready to leave for a smart diner or party. Kami in long black dress, the GF the same in a shorter version. No point of arguing who is the most beautiful...
  12. Ah, cuddling is on mode ON between K&K on the living room's sofa. The light version of it for the moment. Let's go girl, it's sunday !
  13. I thought it was more linked to the shooting, I don't see that she came back with it and before leaving she made it fit to her own head. She might post it on her social : today we got there only the mum climbing the Everest (or some hill nearby...)
  14. Kami left around 11:00 in a pink dress and her nice beige coat, going to some photo shooting, carrying in a bag a strange bicycle helmet, her friend left around 12:00 and Kristy is still sleeping.
  15. Of course I do give presents, even to the cats for Xmas... The point is I didn't see her as getting presents... Now I am very rude, I go back to B2.
  16. OK, I hope you are right, but I have never seen that girl and I can't understand what people can find in her... so I try to find something else. I am a bit rude to her.
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