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Everything posted by Beldonn1

  1. She should not have gone to Hong Kong, at least not without him.... She has to buit some trust before every thing. It looks like her relations with Egor are going to be like the ones she had with the previous BF (I've already forgotten his name...) : on and off.
  2. No, I've seen her bating in front of Kami in the tub, and I have even seen Kristy watching Kami bating in the loo (toilet), smiling at that. They just don't care.
  3. I've seen them leaving together, though. Kristy went first, called the lift, came back waiting for Kami. Kristy did some make up, Kami absolutely nothing and she went out with rubber boots, like in a muddy countryside. I would bet they went to see a film together. We'll see, as usual. I think those two are closer than when they left, got closer in Hong Kong.
  4. Kristy is back and Kami does not look sad anymore, she talks, she talks and she talks... Kristy just listened
  5. Yes, I think she is waiting for Kristy, this is the reason she is not in her bed. She has done that before.
  6. May be they were together at midday, eating together and he is not free tonight. Too early to know, but I am almost sure she had him on the phone this morning before leaving. Too much smile and jumping to be someone else...
  7. No, I saw them yesterday in the bathroom, she put something on them. She was with Kristy and showed the horrible damage to her...
  8. Hopefully not, but she is not that sick and up till now they registered in Hong Kong only one case, a woman coming back from Africa. Andi it's not dangerous on young and healthy people. It's more a bug in a bed or in towels.
  9. I don't know, but the bites are real and Kami had one on the left eye and posted a photo of it - she delayed it after a few hours. As Kristy don't have any bites, I can say for fun that's the asiatic part of Kami which attracted them (Mommy is back...).
  10. Kami came back, so the panties were for the shooting, you dirty mind... Now she is phoning and telling all her life to some other girl, I think, as I don't know any working guy who would stand such a long call... so it can't be the BF. She doesn't wear any panties in the apartment as she has some insect bites down there. Hong Kong mosquitoes most probably which were even more curious than us !
  11. Kami went out to make obviously some shooting in bra and panties (she put a few of them in her handbag). As it is early she will probably come back early and make her room to welcome Yegor. One phone call was for the shooting, another one from Yegor, I think.
  12. Yes, they don't seem to suffer from PPT (Post Party Trauma) or PBT (Post Birthday Trauma). Obviously, they have not been bought, raped or whatever... and they still like each other a lot. Kami is singing in her bath, may be waiting for her big BF.
  13. Well, that was not the one.... Another just landed 30 mn ago, so just see... But I stop after that one, promised...
  14. An Aeroflot plane from Hong Kong landed in Moscow at 5:10 PM (local time), so if they were on it they should be back very soon.
  15. I agree, but it's always a group of girls, so they are protecting each other - here they seem to live in the same big hotel. At least, there is an efficient police in Hong Kong. I am sure they know what they are doing, they are not homeless girls with no money, they have phones, agents.. and the russian power is not something to play with. What surprised me, anyway, is that those Moscow or Petrograd's girls can go around their town in the middle of the night alone apparently without any danger. They won't do that in Rome, London, Paris or New York.
  16. So in english :" I went to bed early, they woke me up when they came back from the birthday but I didn't ask them anything, so I don't know whether the party was a success." Just to answer to your joke asking if I spent the night with them...
  17. Sono andato al letto presto, mi hanno svegliato tornando del compleanno ma non ho fatto domande, allora non so se la festa é stata un successo...
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