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Everything posted by Beldonn1

  1. Yes, I get that, but if the girl is a no one for anybody but only someone related to Kami, what I wrote make sense... But I think this girl has some importance, she knew the main guy of the party and she is not only a friend of Kami. To be nice : she is not the kind of girl you fell in love at first sight... there is something else we don't know.
  2. And so, if not family, who's this girl, so well treated by Kami and the boys yesterday, who covered her with flowers. There is obvioulsy a reason... Powerful girl, relative to a powerful guy ?
  3. A cousin I said, but you know better. I don't get how two girls can be so familiar and so aloof. Family is the only reason I found, like the girl staying with Masha and Sasha.
  4. Yes it is. I think Kami complained about the low standing they are offering in this flat. Nex time, she will ask for a maid, to clean, fill the fridge, make her sushis, wash her, dress her, answer her phone calls and, if she is cute, to cuddle her in bed - Kristy was supposed to do all that, but messed... Fan, livet är inte altid roligt !
  5. Back online, 6 hours after the shut down, it has to be a cron task computerised. So I won... nothing changed. They just put two old suitcases in the guest room and they didn't even make the guest room bed...Kami and her GF are in the living room. This GF, I think she is family. She is very familiar with Kami but nothing more. She asked the photo of the grand-mother (?) who looks like Kami to be removed, so I think they are related... Cousins or something like that.
  6. Let's take a bet... I don't think they will put a new resident. All bedrooms have 2 cams... not this guest room, and the work to do to put an extra cam is far too important and costly. You've seen that they even put an independant electric heater in the guest room. So a guest room, it will stay. So, why shut down the apartment for such a long time ? Very simple : Fidel Castro just died so Moscow is mourning,
  7. Girls went to bed at 04:50, Kami's friend was very talkative. Kami woke up at 09:30, look at ther phone, took a leak, look at the weather outside and went back to bed.
  8. Now the girls are debriefing... The fat guy was a bit heavy for sure, but none of them made a mess of themselves, not enought drunk for that.
  9. ... where they start a game which will last till dawn. Kami seems tired and a bit drunk, too many whisly-cocas
  10. The point is, for me at least, that Kami is such a star to RLC that she had just to ask to get this guest room ready for anyone she invites. She can do whatever she wants, disappear for 3 weeks or 3 days, it's up to her. And now she seems to work a lot. As for Yegor, or Egor, I don't know : what Kami says to Kristy is not always what she feels or has done, so... it is difficult to know whether Yegor will come tonight. I would bet no, as it is a very private matter for her, a whole comedy.
  11. Yes, that is the reason behind the new bed, a big party, so the guests could have more private time together.
  12. She just want to show to this girl how clean she is, and now she is showing her how to shower in plain sight. Teaching is a real work. Bravo Kami !
  13. Sure, something going on, 5 hours or so of maintenance now. I can't believe they will put someone permanent in the guest room, too small, too inconfortable, and Kitek seemingly hasn't heard of it.. But the girl of this morning should come back because she left in Kami's bedroom the present Kami offered her this morning. I could make a lot of guessing, but that's boring...
  14. 12:30 Kami awake and with the GF who came 2 days ago. Both intend to leave soon, so does Kristy who is preparing herself in the bathroom.. New big black cover on the bed Kami took in a cardbox opened in the hall. Some moves in the living room, but same mess.
  15. Xty is back and the mess in the living room still not moving. Could be that RLC is waiting for the girls to clean it... Good luck !
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