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Posts posted by sanjuro66

  1. 2 hours ago, alanohio said:

    I do think part of the problem is cultural. America, like it or not, is very Victorian. "Prostitution" has a very bad connotation here. It is degrading. Any girl that takes part in sex-for-money is considered "trash". All girls who take money for sex are in this category in America - whether they are high class Escorts, or drug dealers.

    I suspect that many of the readers here are American or English, and conversations that throw the word "prostitute" around freely will result in these girls being viewed in a very bad way. I don't want to see that because of some old Victorian attitudes.

    Most of these girls are trying to make a living and start a career, or looking for a husband, in any way they can. Some have more limits than others, but they all are trying to survive with the tools they have.

    I just don't want to pre-label them.

    I'm just going to quickly chime in here. Coming from American, for the longest time, I had those conservative view on sex. Now that i've traveled to Europe almost very year since 2009, my views have drastically changed. And yes, i've been to Amsterdam before. It seems as if European women are.......i'm really trying to find the least controvertial word/phrase to explain them......not as conservative and a little bit more relaxed when it comes to sexuality. I think what i'm trying to say, is that it is their business. And as long as THEIR business was not forced upon them...and they are not harming others or themselves....then be that as it as it may. Sorry for all of the "..."  LOL

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  2. So first and foremost, i'm way to new at this to be critical of the occupants of this flat/apartment. I've never seen any of them in Barca. or otherwise. Some on this board want to see "Coke/Lipton Boy" go at it with Kamila. Others want to see Kristy go at it with Kamila. All I know is that from my humble standpoint and opinion...CB/LTB throws off the dynamics of THIS particular apartment. Maybe, it's the opposite sex factor? Maybe it's two's a company, three's a crowd? But it seems like when he is there, Kristy is either in her room...or most recently CB/LTB in the kitchen, Kami in her bed and Kristy shacked out in the living room. Frankly I don't care what any of these folks do as long as no one is hurt in this human menagerie. But at least for me, being a viewer...it should be all K&K. I do like it, when "The Angels" come over. Maybe I just want to see a Sappho/Lesbian thing occur. LMAO! I, do however, love watching the antics of Nelly and Bogdan. (so I don't mind seeing the male/female couples thing) Okay, i'm done...before I start stringing along indecipherable ADHD run-on sentences. LOL



    In Cork Ireland..but getting "tourist slow-down syndrome".

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  3. Kami to Cokeboy on the couch:FICTIONAL AGAIN. Kami: Nelly and  Bogdan...blah, blah, blah....Oh look they're smiling at each other after doing it in the hallway (says sarcastically)...oh look they're soooo cute...Pssshhhtt! We got this! We're "doing it in all the rooms!"

    Cokeboy:Better have a couple of 12 packs ready! <Cokes of course>


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  4. @Bookmaster8 From a "newbie's" standpoint: I didn't have the opportunity to see them in Barca. But I know exactly what you are talking about. It's all fine and dandy that they have boyfriends and everything, but from what i've seen between K&K (even though they are straight or bi. at the most), their dynamic is electric, as when they are with their boyfriends...meh. If I want to see a high powered couple, I go to Nelly and Bogdan's place. Just IMHO.



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