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Posts posted by ur10intung69

  1. 14 minutes ago, vortios said:

    Nicole's partner has blocked the camera with intention, where is that call of RLC. That they sanction this girl ... this is unassuming. Sorry but my most energetic protest. The chambers must be sacred.

    Vanity don't work on RLC, I believe. This act is totally uncalled for. Punishment? I think she be kicked off, and him, very heavy fine/ invoice. Is she worth it? 



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  2. 1 hour ago, Nick said:

    Melisa she is in good mood , I hope she dose something exiting she all alone in apartment  that will make up all the disappoints  in B1&B2 :biggrin:

    With Lima gone for who knows how long, and Michelle "living" at B2, Melisa is all alone at B1. Does she like the solitude, or does she want to go to B2 and party, but doesn't want to intrude? Or is she even a party girl? Anyone have a clue?

  3. On 10/23/2016 at 2:29 PM, dga220173 said:

    I'm just back from vacation and this apartment has gone from the most interactive and interesting to the most dull and boring. The changes with the girls has had a huge affect on the whole piece, surely they should have been vetted to ensure they weren't another batch of 'phone/doing nothing' bores? Surely they watched the apartment before they came and knew the levels of interaction which just about every viewer of the site relished. This includes B1 too of course.................

    Come on RLC, get this sorted as I have no doubt a few members wont renew with this change.

    Rant over!!!!!!

    I hear ya. I quit RLC last week for this very reason. All I've seen is a bunch of wannabees playing around, no "can-do" action. My $44.95 can go anywhere, but RLC until they bring in the A team.

  4. On ‎2016‎-‎10‎-‎01 at 5:46 PM, joeybaggs said:


    Kamila and Patrick Swayze in, I`m not sure.

    (The Video Content is No Longer Accessible and Has Been Removed)

    In Sept. video topic, at the end, you uploaded 2 videos. KK Mix, and KK Friday Night Mix. I liked the music you added. Do you have the song lists for them? Would you post them for me?

    • Upvote 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Benfold said:

    They definitely do not own the building, but they don't own the other apartment building either and they were able to mount a camera. I think they will add a cam to Barc 2 balcony eventually, might just take a while

    They might wanna hurry up with the cam, every chance they get. I'm kinda sure we missed a lot of good stuff without that cam.  Just saying......


  6. On 9/25/2016 at 11:29 PM, cacjc said:

    I thought i would give you guy's an update on my battle with RLC to get a camera on the balcony in Barce 2

    I was going to get a petition going and have everyone sign it but i thought i will start some emails first

    First Email i said 

    The camera number 3 is aimed too low and you cut off the heads all the time
    we can't see the faces of the girls if they are standing
    Also we need a camera on the balcony the girls spend a lot of time out there and we can't see them
    Thank you

    Their reply 

    We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

    We are working to investigate the issue.

    2nd Email

    I am not going to pay anymore money unless a camera is put outside on the balcony
    I don't pay you money so the girls can sit outside and i look at an empty room
    I have a lot of friends feel the same way and we will all leave RLC unless something is done about it soon

    Their reply

    Thank you for contacting us.

    Currently installed cameras is all we can provide for this apartment now.

    3rd Email

    I am disappointed with your reply, i can't understand why you cannot put a camera on the balcony like you did in the 1st Barcelona apartment.


    My membership expires on 13/12/2016  i will not be renewing my membership so i want it cancelled from that date.


    I have 50 more friends from a RLC blog that will all cancel their membership as well unless things are changed.


    50 people is a big loss of money for you, i'm asking you to reverse your decision or at least give me a better reason why you can't do it.

    Thank you 

    Their Reply

    Your request to cancel has been processed. You will no longer be billed for this

    So what do we do now? I don't think emailing them a petition will do anything

    The only way we can make any difference is to hurt them money wise

    So if we all cancel our subscription and give the cause of why we are cancelling like i have no camera on the balcony in Barce 2 

    You can always join again later if you like but make sure you tell them it's because of the balcony camera

    The more people that cancel because of this reason the better chance we have of getting things changed 

    A lot of guy have contacted me asking how we can help, well this is how you can help

    Thanks Guys


    I totally agree with you. I'd love to see cams on all balconies.

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