i knd of wonder if jasmine comes from a some what impoverished background, she said in the translations that she had no heat and got sick and no money for medicines and thats how she and her now bf came to live together as took care of herand he has been providing for her ever since. she even said she wants her own money I think once she gets her own money she will be gone like elvis
something tells me the bf does not get it on the regular either. In the translations she said she slept with him as a birthday present because he helped her when she was sick. SO he must have to do some special shit to get it
im going to assume they are making a store run real fast .... but if they arent dressing up for the party thats just rude and a sign they dont intend to stay
to be honest i have not come in contact with that many that I know of ..... so my knowledge of the faith is admittedly limited ..... so i base my statement on this faith as i would with any other faith ..... they do not tend to be very tolerant of this type of thing