very very very rare , and even harder to get someone to share them , too many memberships have been lost over posting vids and the girls find them posted elsewhere and stop doing anything at all
i agree and i have to admit i have been busting jasmines balls pretty hard over being on her ipad so much, out of fairness ilona did the same damn thing
thats probably true with belle, but out of fairness I think jasmine was coached a little going in and arrived with the agenda to move to b-2 as quickly as possible, thus she exploited every opportunity to do so. the irony is she fits in better at b-1 as far as the atmosphere goes.
yeah becca tried with belle the other night and belle shut her down belle has said more than once the only time she wants play is when she has the magic water
that little heffer , well was she good at least , cause shes better than my mother and my mother aint half bad ....... (okay i stole that from full metal jacket but i could not resist)
well now i have discovered two things:
1 if you hold your breath too long you pass out and you get a nasty headache
2 after you hold your breath till you pass out cranial pressure builds until your eyes pop out
So please give just a moment whist i shove my eyeballs back in my head.....
yes i do have outside interests away from here, most of my post occured during the recent parties and the fallout thereafter, before that my post count was rather low
well at the risk of over simplifying this ..... its a known fact that the girls read comments here ..... to coin a phrase "you can attract more bees with honey than with vinegar"
agreed and to help make this point caro and lola saw postings on another site that included a vid and it upset caro quite a bit and from that point forward nothing from caro
well most of us actually discuss things here rather than put up one off postings that either get ignored or warrant no repsonse and if its a heavy action night then the postings go up lot,
lara is not feeling well tonight, but as for the last few days she has seemed content to do her own thing which obviously did not involve sitting in the apartment all day staring at her phone , she seems to enjoy being active which these days is a breath of fresh air
I just seems that whenever there is someone not taking part as in this case the one sitting out seems to stop everything , as did becca right after you posted she sat down on the couch again , to be fair lara not feeling well isnt helping either
Earlier I said jas was just marking time to get paid ; and i took a little heat for it and thats okay , but this is what i was referring too. What harm would it do if she were to just get up and dance ??? This is what brings down the vibe of a room .... no im not expecting any one to get naked or molest another of the girls in some way just get up and participate.